Ladies only please and thank you

I haven’t had a period in over a year. Well i got a surprise. It’s heavier than usual and i feel so much like crap. I still am expecting to have to do chores but i think my mother in law said i can’t wash my clothes in their washer and dryer since I’m on my period and she said that’s how diseases are spread. She is convinced my partner and i have STDs since we are gay

Of my gosh, that’s terrible. I would tell her straight up that that’s very stigmatizing and that she’s being a closed minded jerk. Or maybe your partner could say something?

Your mother-in-law doesn’t sound very well-educated.

That’s ridiculous. Even if you did have a disease, that’s not how catching an STD works, otherwise everyone would have one. Also, the dryer heat kills germs, not that that would even be an issue, but it does.

You need to get out of there. It would drive anyone crazy.

Actually statistically gay women have lesser chances of acquiring STDS than gay men or the heterosexual population - so tell her that. It is an argument against religious fundamentalists who point at diseases to prove the correctness of their philosophy…

I’m sorry you’re dealing with a miserable heavy period, and then, on top of that, your ignorant abusive b**** of a mother-in-law!
@cbbrown, you have a gentle spirit and it’s hard to fight back sometimes, especially when you feel your living situation is your only option…BUT, you need to defend yourself, and your partner needs to defend you too. You’re an adult, not a child, and it’s time for you to stop being bullied.
Please give your partner an ultimatum. I can’t believe it’s ok with her that you continue to be abused by her family. Please tell her that you two need to make plans to move out ANYWHERE ELSE and that in the meantime neither of you will put up with abusive crap any longer.
Save yourself, @cbbrown. No one else will, and it’s that way for everyone.


Some people are just not nice people. I’ve met lots of people who would say something like this. If you intend to keep living with her, the best thing to do is to back down… Or you can move.