Just had labs drawn and alot of them I thought were horrible with some being too low like my Iron Saturation which was 5 supposed to be 15 to 55 and actual.I ron was 21 supposed to be I think 25 Not sure on that one My dr has yet to review my labs hope his office calls me about my.labs tomorrow I go see my dr March 25th or he might wait till he sees me to discuss my labs and the next step to take
My labs in regards to autoimmune issues are really bad.
What does your dr recommend?
Waiting to hear from my dr he should be calling me Monday Morning or in the afternoon
Ok. Good luck! 15
Thank you so much
With today’s technology, lab and other test results are often released to patients before their doctor even has a chance to review the results and to contact the patient to explain what the results mean.
Hopefully your Dr contacts you tomorrow to explain the results.
I have to take a lab again. They lost my first lab or else. Hope you get better
my mom called the Doctors office to discuss my labs after she seen they were bad on my chart and the medical assistant said that my doctor was aware of my labs being bad and he would discuss them with me at my next visit the 25th of this month. So, I am waiting to hear from him at my appointment what the next step will be. I will most likely have to have an Iron Infusion it was really low my Iron and Iron Saturation was both on the low side and my hemoglobin was 10 it supposed to be 12.I already know the reason behind it being low posted in one of my other posts on here. Will update once I get seen by my Doctor.
I hope it’s nothing bad.my dudes on the anemic side.
I hope not either I hope Im not anemic but last time the Doctors office was worried when my Hemoglobin dropped to 11 its supposed to be 12 and higher now its at 10 So I just dont know if I would be considered anemic or not my mom is anemic has been having iron infusions for sometime now her Iron is always low must get that from her
Wow. What does he want to do about it?
Dont know wont know until Monday the 25th when I see my Doctor
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