So, it’s a month since I started tappering off klonopin.
From 6mgs came to 3mg.
I feel fatique some evenings, cause I took them in morning…
I’m hoping to go to zero, and only take it as prn.
I substitute it some times with clozapine low dose…
Hope in next month I’ll be klonopin free…
Best of luck @anon25523312
Doing it slowly is the key.
My doc had me do .25 every 2 weeks
Going from 6mg to 3mg of Klonopin shouldn’t give you so much trouble
But going from 3mg down to zero could cause you some suffering @anon25523312
Like @everhopeful said, go very slow
How much was your dose?
Thanks buddy, I’m in no hurry…
2mg 2x per day 151515
That’s still a lot. The max I have ever taken is .5.
I take 2 mg Valium each night. It is a low dose and the next step down would be zero.
I see. I used to take my Xanax every night. It would keep me from having to take them prn. I would have breakdowns at work and would have to go to my car and take one. One time I had to drive home and take one.
Taking them every night stopped the panic attacks from happening.
Now I haven’t taken one in a week. I am not really working. Well kinda sort of. We own our own business but it’s not an 8 hour a day type thing. No stress either.
So if I have a panic attack I can take one.
I developed tolerance in fifteen years of taking it, and it has no effect on me, just dependence…
Sorry. I have never been dependent. But I only take .25 usually.
Here’s a post I made earlier :
I was on 0.5mg a day of clonazepam, and got horrible withdrawals. The way I eventually came if it was by slowly increasing the amount of days between taking it.
At the beginning I would take it every other day for 2 weeks, then every 3 days for two weeks, etc.
Doing it very slowly was the key.
Good luck coming off it.
Yes, @everhopeful, that’s the plan…
I’m seeing my pdoc next month to discuss further…
Thanks for tips.
I told the pdoc that I had given a girl who was withdrawing from heroin a couple of my Klonopin, and he immediately took me off the drug. It wasn’t too bad. For some people the benzos are very addicting, but they weren’t for me. I was a little more antsy than I cared to be for a while, but then everything got okay.
I’m currently taking half of a .5 every evening. I was on .5 quartered the pill and have gone down by fourths. It’s been very comfortable.
I decided to make this thread about coming off of benzos…
I’m curentlly on 2 mgs one day, and 2.5mgs other day.
Hope you wil write your expirence about withdawal…
Having bit of hard time weaning…
Now I’m on 2.5 mgs and will stay a bit on that dose.
After all, I downed 0.5mgs this week…
Hope I succeed…
I wish my physician would prescribe Klonopin. .25mg. prn. I once had twenty pills leftover at the end of the month. So I don’t abuse it
Tapering is hard. Take it easy. Rox