Can’t even mask my condition

Do you guys think you can mask your illness, seems I can’t and it’s bugging me

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If we understand, we won’t need the mask. Problem is not understanding, ourselves, what the problem is.

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Hi @Dudenotperfect, this seems like a good conversation topic and not an unusual belief, so I have moved this to the DX’d - Other forum where more people will see it and comment.



For me it’s weird bc I’m close and almost there but it just means my stuff is subtle but subtle things communicate louder.

The problem is where our mind is and My flat affect irons itself out after I confess a lot of my situation.

But that’s not good enough.

I’m in a similar boat.


I cant mask my illness, though i try to. If schizophrenics were able to do this and pass as normal, then they would find it easier to integrate into society. I think its something most of us find difficult if not impossible.


I think the more I try to hide it the dumber I come across to people. I’m all nervous and awkward.


Damn! Didn’t think - never spoken to much people with sz… same boat kinda thing, right?


What do you tell people you have?

@Happy2Help @frings

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Mask it no, learn to live with it yes


Most of us are in the same boat, but some can fake it better than others.

I dont tell people i have schizophrenia, i guess they just think im weird :confused:

I like the assertiveness @anon90598247

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I think mostly I tell them the truth. I’d brace for impact but it doesn’t work that way. People are thankful for my honesty… but I feel like
It’s another mail in my coffin when this goes down. : /

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Yeah, I say depression if they ask but I’d rather not say anything, weird, sounds about right! I think that too…delusional depression is what I’m being treated for is what I say, but had depression too at one point!

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I think thats a good answer. I sometimes say depression too when asked in formal situations, and it is the truth… just not the entire truth.

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Did you have depression too I take it? Dad always said a white lie is okay lol

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Yep diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and depression. Its sad that its necessary to lie, but what can you do, the stigma is terrible.

Schizophrenia… the illness that dare not speak its name.


Yeah, right…. I experience the stigma sometimes without even saying that word. When I first heard my diagnosis of sz I didn’t get treatment for about 5 years… then beloved I didn’t have it for the next 6 years, at that time it was good, then I accepted the illness and have had a tough 2-3 years… it’s getting better but the damage had already been done, ie. Bullies… in school I would have fought them, but now it is just petty on their part. Don’t know if you can relate to that!

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I worry constantly that my mask isnt working. It makes it very hard to socialize. When I am talking to someone else all I can think about is “what does my face look like?”


Lol, right… even if you are taking the piss, idc cause I’m waiting for the moment they realise something is quiet odd

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Don’t want to trauma bond I take it!

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