you have tried ketogenic diet?it’s effective against schizophrenia?
Yes its a complete lifestyle change. I would suggest keto with as much leafy greens even tho they are carbs it is much better even illness wise.
I’ve tried it and it definitely helped clear up my thoughts. Highly recommended.
thanks…somebody else have experienced with ketogenic diet?
i highly recomend it also.
I was on pretty much a ketogenic diet for years, it was very low carb with only 2 slices of bread in the mornings. Each time I had a pizza or some pasta I’d feel like crap physically and be even somewhat psychotic. As most of you probably know there is this huge debate between ppl online about high carb vs low carb. I used to be on the low carb side for years. People who say you can’t lose weight on low carb are wrong, I lost over 65 pounds. But I was very weak, and my brain didn’t work nearly as well as being on low fat high carb right now. Without any workouts I gained a lot of muscle after switching to high carb(mostly cuz I had lost so much before) and my brain works better. The real thing that was the problem when I ate pasta/bread was gluten, I’ve been avoiding it like the plague and have not had the feeling of tiredness/psychosis after eating and I don’t think I’ve gained fat, only muscle. Plus high fat diets are proven to cause heart disease and diabetes. To avoid eating too much fat and protein I’ve cut out animal products completely. My digestion has improved also after doing that. The main mistake people make when going vegan is not eating enough calories so they feel tired and give up, the volume of food you need to eat is much bigger. It’s a very hard diet to follow for sure but it’s worth it for me.
This is so important. I tried to do way too hardcore keto and ate only meats nothing else, totally screwed myself up, like (TMI WARNING) I was leaking bile fluids from my butt, severely bloated, the skin around my eyes started to turn brown, felt like I was dying, it was just terrible. Never go full-extreme, let yourself have plenty of fiber carbs.
If you avoid gliadin-containing foods like wheat (schizophrenics have elevated gliadin antibodies, it’s not handled very well), and dairy, and avoid vegetable oils high in omega-6 and 9 (3 is fine), you should experience reduced negative symptoms. Mainly it’s about reducing inflammation and avoiding cerebral allergens, that people who have weakened blood-brain barriers are susceptible to.