Healing of schizophrenia case report

In this (https://nutritionandmetabolism.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1743-7075-6-10) article you can read about a case of healing of schizophrenia by switching to a ketogenic, no gluten diet.


I tried a high protein and low carb with vegetables diet more only vice is drinking iced coffee in the morning. Could you recommend a good ketogenic diet?

I wasnt 100% healed, but loads better when i ate healthily with no sugar, processed stuff or gluten.

I relapsed into a bad diet though.

Id love to try keto but i dont have the discipline (or money).

Sample size of one. Seems legit.


Long term ketogenic diet is dangerous my physiology teacher said. You brain can only utilize glucose as energy and fat can’t be converted to glucose. Its bad for the brain.

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I started 3 weeks ago a raw vegan diet. When 2 days ago i ate 2 slices of pizza i noticed the next day that my mental health was not so good as it was before. I think grains are a problem for me.

Maybe gluten was the problem. She stopped eating grains. I am not eating a ketogenic diet, i am raw vegan but i eat many avocados and olives. I will see if a high fat diet is going to help.

I will put here a part of an article i read about the problems cereal consumption raises:

" Yet the agricultural revolution may have spelled trouble. Tellingly, whenever diets based on grain replaced the traditional diets of hunter-gatherers, lifespan and stature decreased—while infant mortality, infectious diseases, bone mineral disorders, and the frequency of dental caries increased. Some of these problems were never totally overcome. For example, despite a gradual increase in stature beginning 4,000 years ago, when diets became more varied again, on average we are still about 3 cm shorter than our pre-agriculture ancestors. The coevolution between humans and grain brought on genetic changes in both parties, but did not render grain a more suitable food for us than it originally was.

One of the first hints that these circumstances could have implications for the psychological sciences was the observation that, in several countries, hospitalization rates for schizophrenia during World War II dropped in direct proportion to wheat shortages. In the United States, where over that same period the consumption of wheat rose rather than diminished, such rates increased instead . In South Pacific islands with a traditionally low consumption of wheat, schizophrenia rose dramatically (roughly, from 1 out of 30,000 to 1 out of 100) when Western grain products were introduced.

There is now substantial evidence that, depending on genes carried by over one third of us and on seemingly irrelevant factors such as a previous viral infection, eating bread can adversely affect our body and brain. This article reviews the evidence for a wide readership in non-technical, plain English. The next three sections present the implications for the psychological sciences of the facts that bread (1) increases the permeability of the gut and likely of the blood-brain barrier in all of us, (2) sets off an immune reaction in those of us who are genetically predisposed, and (3) breaks down, during digestion, in fragments with opioid activity. The final section discusses whether a change in diet could possibly cure patients with mental illness."

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I have tried every specialized diet under the sun. Gluten free made zero difference to me. Keto made zero difference to me. Medication worked amazingly.


Im a bit conflicted about this…

I strongly believe in a link between diet and psychiatric issues for some patients. I have seen convincing research and I have been recommended by a doctor to do an elimination diet because I have psychiatric + GI issues. And I know I felt better when I changed my diet.

But I just think we really don’t know much about it yet.

And I know I’m a bit vulnerable to eating issues…whether it is quitting food altogether in psychosis, to finding some miracle diet and sticking to it for 3 days or 2 weeks and thinking im cured, to giving up because i lack discipline or forced myself into such a strict diet that it is impossible to stick to, to reverting to a junkfood diet.

I think the first step for me is eathing a healthy, diverse whole food diet again.

Schizophrenia is not as easy to treat as diet and supplements.

You’re right. But when I first tried sarcosine I could move my face muscles more and smile and laugh more. Even felt better. Some of it was placebo like feeling better after 10 minutes of taking it lol, but I did have or feel more drive and less negatives.

Yea when I took supplements like NAC, it was only very small improvement lived for a short time, placebo. NAC had nasty side effects, I was itching all day and overheating, it raises thyroid hormones. I am staying away from pseudoscience and ppl pretending to be Drs without being one, for my own safety and to not get worse.

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It’s virtually impossible to adhere to a strict diet long term. It’s not human nature to deprive yourself. Cavemen who were picky eaters didn’t last long.

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