Just Weighed myself. Big Mistake

That’s 190 ibs I have put on 40 in the last 6 months

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Think I might go back to swimming in the new year

I am doing that because I enjoy it. May help maintain or tone up the fat

Didn’t think it was the diet as I eat grain bars, fruit, seeded bread etc - I thought that stuff was all healthy

Math problem - calories in vs. calories out. Healthy stuff can still plump you up.


When my dog is ready to go on the floor outside (Next Week), I will be walking about an hour a day…

Then if I do swimming 4x a week 600m a time, that would be new as well.

What I might do is cut back on the obvious treats, and hope that being more active will have an effect

Suggest MyFitnessPal.com - free and useful exercise and calorie tracker.

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