Just wanted to say hello

I haven’t been on here in awhile. I hope everyone is doing well.
I was feeling particularly “prickly” and needed to get through each day without focusing on any issues. As it is, my hallucinations, etc., have lessened dramatically in the past few months. Rather than being an improvement, I find it disorienting and uncomfortable. Thrust into silence and isolation from my most steadfast companions.
But I’m adjusting better now.
The only thing is, my memory has also decreased even more. I thought to myself that all those years struggling with the hallucinations only to give way to a new source of fear and suffering, the loss of a reliable memory…
Anyway, I see myself as one example of how sz evolves and progresses in an unmedicated mind.


Hey sista @Hedgehog… glad to see u back… have a lovely day man…!!! Take care…!!!

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Welcome back :slight_smile:
I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling.

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You’ll be ok @Hedgehog I’m rooting for you!! If there’s anyway I can help please let me know!!

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Hi hedgehog long time no see…

Hope all is fine

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That’s super sweet, @Noise. Thank you! That’s the thing, though, that I’m feeling keenly right now: that there’s nothing anyone can do to help when my brain just does whatever it’s going to do. Just when I think I have a handle on not letting my hallucinations, etc control me, they start fading. I never wanted them to disappear. Mostly Seraton, who is still there but he’s smaller and very quiet. It’s incredibly unsettling…
And now I’m more aware of my “normal person” shortcomings. My memory is shot.
@Noise, I’m so glad you’re aware of yourself and able to work on things early. I hope for you. :heart:


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