I see my shrink like mayby once every four months. Set an apointment with him recently to adress negative symptoms. He started me on welbutrin once a day., said there is a chance it could make me psychotic but it was small. we think i am probably just burnt ou from school work and relationships, but said it should help. i currently take risperidone tid 2mg. anybody on this combo or tried welbutrin.? thoughts, opinions, comments? thanks
I take Invega, clozapine and Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin makes me feel awake during the day and hence helps me against my negatives. It has little side-effects so I would give it a try. It takes a couple of weeks to feel its max effect. So, you’ll have to be patient.
I’ve been on Wellbutrin for 20 years. It was the first AD to work for me. I currently take 300 mg.
Its contradicted in patients with history of seizures. I couldnt get it because of it.
As it increases dopamine, it can worsen psychosis in some people.
I take Wellbutrin and I think it helps.
i took wellbutrin in the past and i’m not sure if it helped. they took me back off of it, i don’t really know why.
Wellbutrin is one of those drugs that I thought wasn’t having that much of an effect on me until I didn’t get it. That kind of hurt. I think it helps me.
I was on WellbutrinXL 150mg and 4mg Risperdal. It didnt help negative symptoms. Made me more irritable, slightly more paranoid and had insomnia. Stopped it after 6 weeks.
Werent you on 6mg Risperidone?
Wellbutrin has been a very positive med for me. No complaints.
2mg three times a day, for the past few years, invega before that for a few years
Do you think its better to split my night 4mg Risperdal dose into 2mg in the morning and 2mg at night? Does it have any benefit like less sedation?
Of course I will also ask my psychiatrist to approve.
basically yes 1515
I have heard good stories about it i want to give it a try…
It is supposed to help quit cigs. I haven’t really noticed that. I’m down to 1/2 a pack a day because I chew.
I take esticolpram for ad.