Feeling low today. Depression is winning. I cant muster up the energy to do anything. Im just sitting here feeling bad. I woke up at 4:30am. Immediately wanted the day to be over.
Sorry you feel bad
I feel worse
That’s exactly how my day is going. I hope tomorrow will be better for you.
Wishing you better days ahead.
Hope you will feel better soon.
Want this to be a “bad off”? Lol
Yeah. I was in such a chipper mood last night. Today is the total opposite. I have no positive thoughts and just feel sad.
I’m sorry you having a bad day, are you able to do something to relax a bit and get mind off things… ? Easy said than done I know but i hope your days get better
Im listening to “Sad acoustic mix” on Spotify. It fits my mood. I am having trouble to get motivated to do anything today. Just feel super sad. Questioning my existence on earth.
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