Day of depression and feeling tired

So after two days feeling up and happy and like I could make music my career and enjoying playing video games. I woke up yesterday feeling anxious and scatterbrained but with a lot of energy. Today is the complete opposite. I’m really tired. I don’t feel like doing anything. I’m listening to music my ex girlfriend listened to and I’m thinking about her and how lonely I am. Just bathing in sadness today. Really starting to wonder if I’m bipolar


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Sounds like you feeling a bit melancholy don’t despair everyone feels this way
Everybody hurts sometimes

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I love her. Thanks for posting this. Her voice is soooo good

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Yeah. Today is just really low for me. I’m over my ex girlfriend. I just don’t feel like doing anything though. I played some video games but I’m afraid to play more. They can tend to make me paranoid

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