Just got a tropical fish set up

Me and my partner have been looking at them for a few weeks.

We don’t have the fish yet cause we want to get it all set up. Got the stuff today.

Might just be a new hobby. Anyone got any tips ?


Wow I don’t know how your able to manage taking care of a baby, dog and now fish!

Good going @Qwerty!


Thanks @Wave i like to be busy so that helps.


I think @Yellowdiamond has fishes in a fishtank. I forgot the name of the fishes.


Let the tank run the nitrogen cycle which could be a while before you get fish. Details can be found on Google.

Also it is suggested to use a filter that is the next step up. So if you have a 20 gallon tank then use a 30 gallon filter.

Kept tropical fish as a kid. Didn’t know these things and my fish paid for it.


Thanks. It’s currently doing a cycle. And we have the filter running and the heater heating it up. I’m going to YouTube now more on how to take care of fish.


That sounds wonderful!

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Yes, i have neontetras.
There is forums about aquarium.


Dont put guppies with angelfish… angelfish are bullies… they’ll attack the guppies. Learned the hard way


I have kept fish. You might want to buy some live bearers because then you can raise babies. You could learn how to do this.
To have really healthy fish you should clean the aquarium regularly. But even if you don’t you can still keep fish. You can change the filter sometimes.
Be prepared that every once in a while some fish die. Then you might want to buy some more.
It’s fun to go to the fish store and look at all the fish. You could talk with the guys or gals who work in the store and they should be able to give sound advice.
Try not to dump a lot of food in all at once (by accident). A pinch is usually enough.


Had two angel fish in the same tank. That was a quick lesson learned. One killed the other. I was very sad and the feed store lady gave me some education too.


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