Just booked my cinema tickets for Black Panther for my birthday

Going out for a meal with my staff then going to the cinema. I liked the first Black Panther. Going to be a good day.


I have no idea if the new black panther is any good, but the Marvel movies and series as a whole have seemed to be going downhill for awhile to me. They used to be all pretty much good. Lately all Marvel related movies and series seem mediocre at best and bad at worst. At least the ones I’ve seen lately.


Enjoy @bobbilly - you’ll have to report back on the movie :slight_smile:

Might see it but not sure yet.

What kind of food are you planning on getting?


Just weatherspoons food which is just British pub food.


Sounds like a great day out! Have a good time @bobbilly .

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Have a great time @bobbilly!

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