I just had been informed by the Nurse practitioner I had seen today that when I do have my Upper and Lower GI done, I will be sedated with Twilight has anyone else on here had an Upper and Lower GI Done and have been given Twilight? I am worried that I will feel them putting a scope down my throat and will be awake during the procedure and that it will be uncomfortable and also worried if I do have to be fully sedated and I have severe Sleep apnea I hope they take that into account in case I may have to be on oxygen for that short period. I know I should be ok but still I worry. I am having it done January 31st,2025, at 11am.I was supposed to have an Upper and Lower GI last year but was sick at that time so just called to reschedule today
I was given something to be put to sleep and had my upper and lower GI scoped. It was either anesthesia or twilight. I just figured it was anesthesia. What is twilight?
Twilight is where you are sedated but still under kind of but awake too that is All I know once I know exactly will update will have to look into what twilight is further before I can say for sure
I was completely knocked out. I was not given an option. Of course, I was fine with it. It was pretty light anesthesia as I came out from it pretty quickly and didn’t feel groggy the rest of the day. Although, they did a colonoscopy at the same time the second time I had a scope.
I am having a scope down my throat and a colonoscopy at the same time while under anesthesia
Is that a different procedure than the upper and lower G.I. with twilight?
When I’ve had upper endoscopy and colonoscopy they gave me drugs to put me into twilight. You will be awake enough to cooperate with the Dr and nurse, but you will have zero memory of it. Last thing I remember they were numbing my throat with spray, then next thing I knew it was all over and I was coming out of the anesthesia. It felt like I had been knocked out, but I had been conscious just with no memory. I remember one of the drugs was IV Valium, but I forget what else.
This is standard practice for endoscopies. I think some people think they were unconscious for it because they remember nothing of it. You’ll be fine. The prep for a colonoscopy is what sucks.
I thought they were going to bore you to sleep with the movie, lol.
I hate that with a passion. It means I feel the surgery.
I had the anaesthetic spray for my endoscopy
Did not want to be put under
The tube was much thicker than what I was expecting
I hope I don’t get Twilight but that was what I was told they were going to use may have to ask to be put all the way under I don’t want to feel anything at all or know anything after
You probably won’t. I’m a bit of a freak and local anesthetic barely works on me. I burn it off really quickly, too.
You don’t with twilight. You fall asleep and wake up afterwards just fine. They won’t give you general anesthesia for a procedure like this and with your health risks. Try not to worry. You won’t be suffering at all with the twilight. Twilight puts your sleep just not a deep sleep.
ok I will try not to worry I will just let them know that I have severe sleep apnea so they can take measures for that and precautions. According to my Pulmonologist my sleep apnea is the worst case he has ever seen in all his career he could be stretching the truth too, but it is really severe though but in all his career I highly doubt that even though its possible.
Will update after I have had it done on how it goes. Hopefully it will go well and no worrisome polyps or anything
That’s why the twilight is a good thing if you have sleep apnea
Didn’t know that thanks for letting me know