Just a quick question

I have a hard time with my short term memory…I was wondering if this is a common thing with schizophrenia? I remember a while back the doctor had me take this number test where she said 3 numbers and I was suppose to repeat it back but couldn’t. I was just wondering…maybe its just me.

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It is not unusual for short term memory to be impaired in those with schizophrenia.

no it is not just you…same thing happens to me…i get tested every 6 months for memory loss…

I’m not allowed to go for walks outside my neighborhood anymore. Kept getting lost a few weeks ago.

I have that too. I ask people the same questions and tell people the same things over and over.

the only thing i tend to forget nowadays is where i parked my car lol. though i wasn’t too bad the other day when we went shopping. i managed to find my way out of the precinct and into the carpark and found the car ok. stressful but surprisingly ok. :slight_smile:

i write lists…so i don’t forget.

  1. put my trousers on before i go outside…!?!
    take care
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I think with me it’s medicine related.


I think its medication related for me as well - but my memory is not so bad

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Yuuuup. I just dont seem to remember anything sometimes. My thoughts are super obsessive a lot of the times and trying to access my memory can feel like robbing a bank.

I usually just stand outside and stare at it lol, maybe someone will come out and put a dollar in my hat.

I find myself forgetting what I was about to do. I’ll sit in front of the dinner table a little while without getting out food. I do a lot of things like that. I hope it is just mental congestion, and not the beginnings of alzhiemer’s.

my short term memory has always been crap. i had ECT awhile so surely that didn’t help, but most of my memory problems from that have resolved. the short term memory remains crappy. the test you describe is impossible for me when voices are bad, as a side note. they’re so distracting. it’s impossible. i think it’s maybe less memory though and more processing input from multiple sources and keeping track. well, maybe that is what memory is. i don’t know.

use of whiteboards and reminders have been helpful.

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For me that comes from having a limited amount of life experiences to tell people. When you don’t do much it’s easy for stuff to get regurgitated.

I could see that. Usually it’s just something is really important and I can’t keep track of whoI told what so I will tell someone four times. Haha.

Great point towards the end there.

My long term memory is more spotty than my short-term memory.

my memory is rubbish, it seems to just go in one ear and out the other and thats me paying attention lol,

when i was doing social care i just barely managed to pass with the lowest score every time and now after bout a year i have forgotten loads of stuff esp in psychology, the reason i know this for sure is bc now i am doing a counselling course we cover psychology and although i recognise the names on the blackboard i still need everything explained to me again and again to remember, hopefully it’ll stick this time tho.

I wonder, with such a poor memory, how could you survive in college? I have bad memory, too. Because of bad memory, my mind seems blank or empty which gives trouble to my writing.

its a case of lots of repetition and writing things down etc but it is still hard to get it to stick and when it does stick its only for a while lol, i sometimes wonder why i go to college bc i forget most of it after a while anyway, i like to think that some of the main points are stuck in my unconscious mind and when i need it it will come,

but this counselling course i am doing now is helping me remember lots of things that i had forgotten last year and the year before as well as other skills and the best skills are the ones that are not written down like practical skills, talking to people about their problems and stuff as well as other things and group work and then refining it,