If this is true will he be the new face of schizophrenia?
Where did you hear/see this?
I dont think he is sz, lol… strange… but he can be quite a hard guy sometimes lol…
I saw this today but I’d never heard of him.
Thanks for the link @everhopeful
Who’s Jordan Peterson?
A psychology clinician
Thanks @anon1466656
Yeah I saw from @everhopeful’s article.
Jordan peterson is a clinical psychologist and professor at university of Toronto. He’s also been a youtube sensation since 2010.
Oh ew. I don’t want people associating us with him.
My thoughts exactly. He’s awful.
@Ninjastar @anon4362788 Agree with both of you.
He’s not exactly soft and fluffy but I think he is a good motivational speaker.
It’s not a matter of being soft and fluffy. He’s actively against the rights of many.
I’ve only really watched the psychology lectures. I think people judge him too much on the basis of hearsay though like the Channel 4 news interview. He is a great orator and debater and just made the interviewer look small minded.
It’s not hearsay when he actually says these things.
He’s against gays raising children or adopting, the metoo movement, says there’s no such thing as white privilege and more.
Just a fringe personality. He also preaches things he doesn’t even live by.
I’ve seen him question some of these things from a clinical psychological standpoint. He is against cultural relativism for sure which says that everything is socially constructed and virtually nothing is biologically determined. I think it is refreshing to hear someone argue from this point of view and to start a debate.
It doesn’t matter where it comes from. Arguing against rhe very existence of people and questioning their right to live like others is despicable.
You’re right. Hate is hate no matter the source. I’ve only seen him question the use of pronouns though.
This is a dumb argument for him, also. We all use pronouns. I’m sure you would be very annoyed if someone only referred to you as she. It’s the same for anyone.