Anybody heard of Jordan Peterson

He is a famous psychiatrist. He seems really good. I haven’t heard him talk about sz yet. Has anybody heard of him and what do you think of him?

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well somebody already made a post about him.

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He seems to be interested in the psychological aspects of mental illness, more than the physiological. If that’s your interest then perhaps he’s worth looking into.

I’m interested in the physiological reasons, to be honest. I figure once those are addressed, the psychological part takes care of itself.

He’s conservative politically, by the looks of it, so maybe I’ll look more into his work.

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He’s the the not so intelligent person’s favourite ‘intellectual’. Part of the dark web which is a collection of self appointed 'intellectuals. A third rate mind for a 4th rate cause.


makes alotta mistakes for how savvy he wants to seem about any topic he wants to talk on. understanding of psychology (a field still early in its debelopment) doesn’t allow you to talk on other subjects, he ends up stepping out of his lane when he starts rambling about lobsters and their dominance heirarchy or whatever, all of a sudden hes an evolutionary biologist? i really like milo y though, seems like a real fun guy who knows his facts. both seem to be going through midlife crises though, maybe it happens earlier for gay dudes. that alone makes me question if that might be a driving force for the stuff.

i like listening to their talks when they pop up on youtube, though milo is more listenable. petey spends too much time in the university library (in one soecific section :slightly_smiling_face:) and not enough in real life, so his the way he talks is inaccessible and his ideas don’t seem applicable at all. seriously though, studying psych dosnt teach you everything about life

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has the most sex appeal of any old dude rambling about his theories or whatever, probably why the dudes gettin all the attention

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I watched jordan, Milo & a couple others but stopped because of delusions.
I think I’ve seen 3 videos referencing sz, one in relation to The lion King, another about sz & homelessness problem. & somone having written in asking if sz can have a relationship. I didn’t like his opinion really on sz. But hes an outside observer & all that

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Much of what he says makes sense, but he’s hardly got a trademark on any of the advice he tends to give. He just has a strange, convoluted way of delivering the advice that makes it sound new and intelligent.

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