Job advice needed. Do I quit now or later?

I’m currently on SSD and work part-time. The problem is is that I am working as a security officer and I’ve become very paranoid again and stuff. You can see my other post about that. Anyway, what I can’t figure out is if I should quit it now or wait until I find another job. The reason is because we now have a cell phone that we have to carry that tracks our every move. If we are still for 5 minutes, my boss wants to know why. We have to put exactly what we are doing in an app on the phone. They even require that we type in that says we went to the bathroom. You can only imagine how this could make someone feel. It is like there is someone above me watching my every move. I can’t take it anymore and have been looking for another part-time job like crazy. It is so hard to find anything part-time. My thoughts are this: Do I continue to be so afraid at work and it is making me relapse (see my other post) while looking for another job or do I suffer a bit financially. My family and one friend say to quit. Two others say I shouldn’t. I just dread the fact of going back tomorrow. I’m so sleep deprived from all the stress.

It is always better to stay employed until you have another job or at least an interview lined up. I know what you mean about stress at work. It sucks balls! But if it is making you ill then none of that matters.

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I’ve heard my whole life that if you are going to quit it’s better to have another job lined up. And it makes sense because finding a new job can take months and you don’t want to be without money for several months. But there are exceptions where you should go ahead and quit without another job lined up and your situation may be one of them. It’s a risk for you financially. But if you relapse you couldn’t work anyway, so maybe it’s better to leave. How would you feel about working in a restaurant? Those jobs are less stressful and relatively easy to get. I worked as a dishwasher when I was 28 and there were a few other older people who worked there too so the age thing wasn’t weird.

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personaly that is total rubbish what you have to do !?!
though administrators/liquidators and solicitors have to do something very similar.
if something is causing you undue stress…perhaps talk to your therapist about it.
take care :alien:

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I have thought about working in a restaurant, but I’m not sure. I guess it just depends upon what type of place it is. I did apply today for a position at CostCo. We’ll see about that. You are exactly on when it comes to the question of if I relapse I won’t be able to work anyway. That’s my catch 22. :frowning:

How old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?

Look at local craigslist. It is LOADED with jobs and usually employer is not a weirdo. There are some phishers working it but they want you to fill out app with personal stuff like SS# before interview…Skip these or fill in sensitive stuff with jibberish…

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I know exactly how you feel I recently quit my job because I thought my coworkers workers would never leave me alone and someone psychotic thoughts into my head which happened before.

Ill be starving for awhile but hopefully the psychotic beaming will stop for awhile.

Good luck

I forgot to say that if you can afford it SAVE AS MUCH MONEY AS YOU CAN ,I just moved to another state because the last one had absolutely no work and it costed my $7000 life savings to do it and now im barely surviving.

I recently had to quit without another job lined up because it was causing me to relapse badly. It sucked, and money is a little tight now, but I am much happier and more functional in all areas of my life.

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If you have a sound car delivering pizza is a good job to apply for. There are usually 3 or 4 pizza delivery operations in any town, and they are usually hiring. You get compensated for your gas, and, with tips, you come out better than a minimum wage job. Most of the hiring they do at these places is part time.

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Oh jeez petester. Are you happier now mentally?

Yep thanks for asking, you really have to factor everything in when considering a major life change.

Yeah, I’m trying to do that now. I appreciate the feedback.