I've just been invited to my "high school" reunion šŸ˜²

Ive never been to one either, but I never heard of my school organizing one though.

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I would have had to be united with someone to have a reunion with them.

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I donā€™t think I would go to high school reunion either.ha ha ha ha

They would probably disrespect me, trash me and supress me and try dominating me hatefully thinking they are so accomplished and superior and Iā€™m not ok being treated that way so I would not go.

Also questions ā€¦.
Not working,on pension, on medication, schizophreniaā€¦.


Oh I seeā€¦well I doubt I would go anyways

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Peeps in school had frequent meetups right after graduation. I didnā€™t go to one. And was never invited again.

I just feel awkward and weirdo in social situations. Have mixed feelings about it now.

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I got invited to one and I still keep in touch with 5 or so people Iā€™ve known since year 8 in highschool. Like Iā€™ve no interest in catching up with people who arenā€™t anything to me. I was pretty friendly always in high school so Iā€™d imagine catching up with some would be cool but the whole process seems a bit strange to meā€¦

If they were important to me Iā€™d have kept in touch which is what I did for half dozen or so peeps.



ā€œYes, I won a Nobel for planting microchips in mice brains and I married a French brothel owner.ā€


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No highschool here.

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I was banned from prom, doubt Iā€™d get an invitation to any reunion

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I was such a ghost in high school that people who I attended k-12 with weā€™re shocked when they saw me at graduation. It was a pure sit-com moment when one of them told me they thought I left years ago, and I had to remind them that I sat three desks behind them in government class.

I turned down going to my reunion, because meh.


Could always hire a double to go which is also good at acting. :smiling_face:

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20 years this year.
I was invited, currently in doubt.
I hate lying about my health.
There are a couple ex classmates whom Iā€™d love to meet again (hardly reachable via social media), including an old flame, but Iā€™m not sure whether theyā€™ll be there, so I risk ending up with only boring faces Iā€™d rather forget about.


I mean honestly, I wouldnā€™t care to go to a high school reunion. I might show up in town near the same time and smoke weed with friends and family and if I ran into someone outside thatā€™d be cool but since they didnā€™t invite me to the 10 year reunion, ā– ā– ā– ā–  them and their school. I probably wouldnā€™t have gone anyway. Like for real, now they think theyā€™re all special because they have a degree from a school that isnā€™t federally accredited with husbandry, liberal arts, agriculture, and engineering classesā€¦ yeah ā– ā– ā– ā–  them. :slight_smile:

I mean I might as well just show up in town whether that ā– ā– ā– ā–  is going on or not. And ā– ā– ā– ā–  them. :slight_smile:

They are all sooo smart. Incredibly smart, ask them together theyā€™re probably all smarter than you, everyone of you reading this. That is how they think sooā€¦ yeah ā– ā– ā– ā–  that school.

iā€™m glad we donā€™t have those kind of reunions here. i wouldnā€™t go anyways

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So, question. How do high school reunions work when you were homeschooled?

Do I dance alone? Or do they round up all the other weird kids into a gym? I does have a confuse.

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