I've been taking 100mg of niacin (vitamin b3) for a few days

Too see why check out this thread

But 2 things have improved :

  1. My blood oxygen level as measured by my fingertip oximeter thing. It’s gone from 97% to 99%
  2. My mood !

I did some digging around and niacin is important in the production of serotonin, the happy chemical.

So maybe I had a deficiency.

There’s a severe interaction between niacin and some antidepressants, so google things before you start to take it.

I’m taking the “flush” version of niacin (nicotinic acid). The non flush version (niacinamide) isn’t supposed to be as good.

I’m only taking 1 capsule a day (100mg).

Megadosing niacin can damage your liver.


Huh. Interesting. I’m probably megadosing…let me go check. My liver really isn’t great already.

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I have been taking it regulary. 500mg maybe twice a week, so about the same as you on average. I find it helps calm down unwanted thoughts.


I take an average of about 60 mg of the non-flushing kind per day.

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What’s megadosing then, since 100 mg would be a lot?

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Megadosing is when people take something like 500mg a day.

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Gotcha :open_mouth:

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i was taking niacin, i think they were 500mg tablets and the flush was so bad i stopped taking it. now i just play jokes on people and get them to try some of my niacin haha, so that they flush haha.

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