I've been off meds for 2 months now

I started an antidepressant last week but I am not on any antipsychotics. I couldn’t stand the sexual dysfunction and the blurred vision I was getting. My last hospitalization was October 2019 to December 2019. Then December 2019 to June 2020. Basically 8 months. I only suffer from intrusive thoughts and panic attacks. And also one mild delusion.

Man, good luck.

I’d say that the vast majority of people going off meds are just hanging on a wing and a prayer. They have zero strategy for stability.


Yeah I’m hoping the illness doesn’t return. Usually before my psychotic episodes I have a sleep disturbance so if that happens I’ll know psychosis is coming and I’ll get back on the APs.


If you want an extra buffer, avoid soda and gluten / gliadin. That should keep you fairly stable.

Like zero soda or wheat. Gliadin counts too, so oats will likely give you a flareup.

Limit dairy to the amount in tea and coffee.

I avoid dairy already cos I’m mildly lactose intolerant. But why is soda and gluten bad?

I know being on a.p sucks but if you go off your meds it’s much more a bigger problem. Comparatively being on meds is better. This is coming from my own experience.

The level of damage we do to our selves and our family members and friends is just toouvh to come to terms with.

Take a doctor’s help asap.

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Heavy soda consumption is associated with 60% increase of mental illness.

Gluten is also associated with SZ, here:

“Anyway, there’s a funny thing about schizophrenia, turns out that quite a few of the adult schizophrenics on an inpatient psychiatric unit in 1967 happened to have a major history of celiac disease (gluten/wheat intolerance) as children. As in 50-100 times the amount of celiac disease that one would expect by chance. Celiac doctors also noticed their patients were schizophrenic about 10X as often as the general population. That’s a lot!”

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