I've been losing focus at work

i work sixteen hours a week. ive been there for five years. the first years weren’t too bad, but lately i’ve been losing focus. fortunately i have plenty of chances to catch my mistakes, and im not so far at risk of losing my job. when i’m under stress, i fall apart mentally and it gets bad. it’s becoming hard to maintain composure and high level functioning.
i’m schizoaffective so i thought maybe my prognosis would be better… but lately i haven’t been so sure.

do ya’ll have these problems?
how do ya’ll deal with it?


i think the way id describe it to a normie, is for them to try working for a 14 hour day several days in a row… and their ability to focus at the end of the shift is what i deal with, sometimes on a normal day.

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I cant work on my current meds, 6mg risperdal.

I just try tell myself to just get through the day one at a time when I’m like that. I feel that way right now. I usually gauge my day out of 10. So for example right now I feel I’m operating around a 4/10. But it will improve


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