it started with meds, is it TD? … it doesnt bother me, and if i focus on it i can stop doing it. it’s like when i lay down on my couch as i get settled, i start to do this chicken wing thing with my left arm for a couple seconds then i stop. it doesn’t really bother me and i just ignore it. i told my nurse about it, and she acted like it was no big deal.
I don’t know. But I would ask the dr. They’re more trained than nurses
yeah i told them about it on a phone call with my pdoc. my nurse is the one who asks me questions and he listens in and sometimes asks things with these phone pdoc appts. neither one of them thought it was a big deal when i mentioned it.
he’s old and not as good with technology, so my younger nurse does all the typing and tech stuff for him.
Ok. I’m glad your pdoc says it’s nothing to be worried about
What do you mean by chicken wing thing @Lifer?
it’s like i kind of flap my arm with my arm bent, like i have a bird’s wing. raising my elbow up from my side and back down again. i haven’t done it today, but most days i catch myself doing it when i lay down on the couch.
Oh ok, good luck with everything.
I don’t think it’s TD but talk with your doctor.
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