Is TD completely involuntary or can you kinda control it when you become aware of it?

I ask because for a while (I mean years) my left foot flexed back and forth,at the ankle,

I can stop it if I notice I do it but as soon as I forget about it it resumes

I get twitchy nerves in my thumb and middle fingers…all I worry about is TD. I’m on an older AP.

My twitchy nerves don’t scare me…I just pay very close attention to what my mouth does…once it starts to happen if you get immediate attention with your pdoc they can fix the problem.


Yeah I think it is just a twitch. Will keep an eye on my mouth

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I have a twitch in my left thumb. Just that thumb. It twitches back and forth. My pdoc put me on Cogentin for it and it is mostly gone away.


I have two twitchy thumbs/index fingers. I don’t worry about whether it shows. So far it isn’t bad. With higher anxiety, the more the twitch. I’d be more concerned with facial tics… Yes they may be overridden by willpower. I had a pdoc who said so years ago. @anon94176359, how much does it worry you?

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No it doesn’t bother me either.

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I have twitchy hands and feet. They don’t bother me but my mother in law says it makes her nervous


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