I've always had difficulty making posts people will reply to

@firemonkey @LED i didn’t realize you were feeling like no one responds. I’ll try to pay more attention and reply more to people. I know that feeling rejected can hurt very deeply


Thanks. I try to post useful and/ or interesting things.

Thanks. It’s my hang up/insecurity/paranoia. It’s been an uphill struggle to get over the bullying and social rejection of my childhood and especially teenage years.


I too have had those ‘thread ender’ thoughts.

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I have not been on the forum very long, but I get variable response to my post. Some posts are popular. Some no one responds to, and some are in between.

Questioning technology seems to get stonewalled, like if you spend your whole day on the computer it’s not healthy kind of thing. But I can understand that it’s difficult to do other things. And the technology giants are trying to make the internet and games as addictive as possible.

Posting stuff that people don’t want to hear, even if it’s true will get little or no response :no_mouth:

And someone mentioned if people write statements, or write in riddles or incoherent, it can be difficult to find a response. Often I have tried to come up with something in reply to posts, but it can be difficult and I have had to give up. Not because I didn’t want to reply, but nothing came to me.

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Without the internet I’d be watching a lot of TV !


firemonkey wrote:

I have major doubts. Several years ago I was told I needed to couch things more as questions, more than just statements. That was fair comment. However doing that hasn’t made a major difference. Also there are those who post articles and make statement type posts who do much better than me reply wise.

That leads me to question whether this is a suitable forum for me. It’s about compatibility rather than a criticism of members here.

You have a style similar to me. I usually write statements rather than questions or a conversational style. It is actually an autistic thing so IMHO you are a suitable person for wp.


The only posts I see from you typically are the articles that are usually over my head. If I see other posts I read them and I will respond if I have something positive or supportive to say.


Same here. I just dont know what to talk about most of the time. I talk about myself and my own problems alot so I think that sometimes puts people off. But hey this is a mental health forum so I figured why not.

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I was a science dunce at school. I’m less of one now, but still not that good. I post on the basis that people might be interested and some/a lot more scientifically knowledgeable than me.

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I talk a lot about my problems too. I do very little that would be of interest to people in terms of activities etc

Me too, I start off a thread or topic with full swing and later I become one way street.
I cannot keep a constant conversation.
I was thinking to start a topic.
Who are you guys talking too ? In the forum.
Since I felt it sound negative, I did not start it.
Also, I not able to build rapport.
Some topics I created, there was questions.
I did not understand.
Good that people pin point it.

I was going to say the same thing. There is absolutely nothing personal in it, it’s just a lot of the articles that you send are challenging. I enjoy reading them personally, but I know I will have to invest some thought. I know for me, some days all I can handle is a simple paragraph. I just can’t wrap my head around s*** at that time

There’s no criticism in it at all, actually hoping it might make things clearer

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I like your humorous posts @firemonkey. I rarely read much news simply because of my attention span but the funny stuff you post I find funny. I think you have a good sense of humor and I can relate to that. Keep on keeping on. Your a valued member here.


Uh, don’t let that stop you. Have you seen the genres of questions that come up regularly? The most popular topics seems to be masturbation threads or quitting meds or off-the-wall delusions. I mean those are important to people and legitimate issues but c’mon, look at a typical day of post titles; we aren’t Mensa here.


I just post the occasional thing I find on Twitter that I think might, at least, make some of you chuckle a bit.

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We’re certainly a mixed bag of posters. I haven’ t looked at the latest masturbation thread.

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