I've always been negative

It’s in my personality and in my character (or lack of) and I don’t know how to change it much. I guess just chip away at it a little at a time.

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Well CBT can change that and antidepressants

I don’t think it changes my basis which is coldness toward life, that life is suffering as Judy Henske once said.

Well that’s a very negative attitude

As I said, I’m negative.

I don’t know. Thinking life is suffering isn’t all that negative.

It’s something I remember Franz Kafka said about suffering being a positive element because it’s a link between this life and the next.

I think a lot of people don’t acknowledge suffering because they’re afraid of it; and fear is what is actually negative.

My brother and mother I like to think of as truly negative. They’re only relation to life is what they have and not who they are.

I find them very hard to relate to anymore. Growing up all I remember is negative talk from them all the time and they still do it.

You can’t change a negative attitude, you can only revel in it. Enjoy your dry wit and dark sarcasm. Hating the phonies is as good as loving the goodness

Maybe you should be positive.

How does one turn oneself around like that?

Try meditation m8

I’d meditate on hating myself.

Well, personally, I formed a simple theory about positive and negative thinking. And here it is: It seemed to me simply that every time i thought a negative thought it came true. i.e.if I thought I was losing a characteristic of my personality it came true. If I thought I had no confidence it came true. If I thought I couldn’t do something my thoughts shot me down.

So obviously I thought, "Well, a thought is a thought. If everything negative came true than the opposite should come true too. Its actually probably a theory that man knew long ago but its true. It takes the same effort to think negatively as it does positively. A thought is a thought. Our minds are weird. Life is weird. If you feed positive thoughts into your mind like a machine or a computer than the mind will spit out positive results in return. I would like to claim this theory as my own but I think it was invented by a Cro Magnon man or a Neanderthal guy. it’s pretty basic. Negative thinking is a habit, a learned pattern in the middle of your life. It can be reversed.

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