It's totally taken out of context

that I would ever say I’m better than everyone

I said I’m doing better than everyone suicidal

when the question was posed to me if I was okay?

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I never said any of those things @anon9798425

but some things are given when questioned or provoked,

the question came up over therapy, ok, these women are in there all suicidal,

what is the point in that, if you can’t figure it out by now, what do want said.

sorry to disappoint, and go ahead and suspend me, but they’re typical man haters too.

Sure Daze, I apologize.

I’ve never been suicidal so there’s not much I can contribute here. You have my full moral support.

No, you said we’ve conditioned the forum to not think freely. Based on me removing two of your posts because they were way out of line, and one post criticizing this decision. Then I try to be gentle with you and explain what happened, and you make a big point of how awful I’m being, asking if anyone sees this and, rhetorically, who would think such a thing was right.

Do you understand why we remove criticism? Just in the last 24 hours I’ve been blamed for causing droves of old members to leave the forum, I’ve been called a wuss and a power-mongering elitist, I’ve had a member react to me closing a thread and correcting their misleading anti-science rhetoric by posting articles about anal leakage and homosexuality, and now you blame me for psychologically conditioning our members. No one in their right mind would enjoy this job, so if you’d at least recognize that enforcing these rules sucks for everyone involved, and that the mods are in fact not trying to be abusive or manipulative, I’d be thankful, and I’d be patient with you as well.


We’ve enjoyed fun times, but I don’t always see where not taking an approach on individual thinking is such a bad thing,

in fact, some great minds pass thru here. I appreciate your patience with me, I’ve wanted a place I’ve been sometimes too direct to cause any untruth. But it comes off wrong I guess.

You’ve been fair. I like that about you. Except when others might criticize you. I think some maybe could have given more lienancy, but it was a hard call.


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