Its remembrance day here in uk

a time to remember what happened in the past and trying to stop it from happening today, i go to the rememberance service every year and i collected money for poppy scotland couple of years ago to help with the fallen soldiers and their families, i collected £60, i’d like to do it again but its too late this year and i have been busy.


That is a great act of charity
Yes we want to avoid war altogether

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Talking about remembrance, let us remember that today is your forum anniversary too, @daydreamer !!
Four years, wow, you are already a veteran among veterans!!


theres a lot of people with cake days today because its the date the new forum opened I believe!


Oh I get it… so those who joined 4 years ago today are even older than that!!


i started when the changed to the forum before this one lol

I feel really bad I forgot to buy a poppy, though yesterday evening I found my one from last year in my kitchen, so I wore a poppy with pride, but didn’t donate to the legion this year :frowning:

thats ok, dont worry, i forgot my poppy at the service as it was on another jacket but i just gave 20p and got one at the Church later.

Have you heard a certain politician is petitioning to make us wear white poppies instead for equality, as apparently some foreigners here are offended by our red poppies and what they stand for…

I have a Quaker meeting house down the road and some of them also wear white poppies, red or both!

Apparently white poppies are about promoting peace!

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