It’s all over the news here (Canada). My grandfather died before I was born but was a medic in WW2 and saw some fcked up sht. He wouldn’t talk about it with my dad so I don’t have any stories. I do have some German money from the time period that he brought back with him.
Belgium is pretty much the battlefield of Europe. We remember them.
We call it Veterans day in the U.S., buy yeah, we have have a holiday on the same day. I think yours is specific to wwI and wwII(correct me if I’m wrong) ours is just honoring military veterans in general.
Don’t forget to remember those who have served today!
It’s the end of WW1
WW1 officially ended on the 11th day of the 11th month at 11:00am (November 11 @ 11:00am, 1918) so that is why it is all over the news right now, it is about 11:30am here right now
I did not know that. That is why we have the holiday on the same day. I never knew the day picked had to do with the end of WW1. You learn something new every day. Thanks for the info @Headspark .
Live and learn eh, lol. No problemo, you’re welcome @Bowens
It’s 1142 here. I remember hearing the 11th day of the 11th month at 11:00 am. But I didn’t remember what war it was.
Yeah, now that you say that phrase, it does sound familiar.
We (US) used to call it Armistice Day. I don’t remember when I why it was changed to Veterans’ Day/
It was based on the armistice that was signed at the end of the WW1. I’m not American and I don’t know why they changed it to Veterans Day but my guess would be that it is more inclusive of all veterans from all wars, not just those from WW1.
I would guess this as well.
that’s why I’m thinking to quit this site