Do you ever give kids candy for Halloween? I wouldn’t have only if I lived alone.
Not since I had a townhouse in the 1980’s.
There aren’t any kids that live in my apartment building, and it is a secured building, meaning only residents can enter it. It’s for single people on housing assistance.
Yeah I usually do that. I didn’t wear a costume, but I used to have this incredible mask with a skeletal face and a hinged jaw, you could bite into the fabric a little and close your mouth and the mouth on the outside of the mask would do the same. It was like a 49.99 Halloween mask. I think I sold it before I moved, or lost it. It scared some of the smaller children I think muahahaha!
I ADORE halloween atmosphere… When in a good mood… Wish I had pics to share… Anyhow…
No I don’t answer the door on halooween this year unless my social anxiety is down enough for me to enjoy handing out sweets
Is it too paranoid for me to think that we might be risking infection if we get close enough to a bunch of kids to hand out candy?
People try to start it out here and it’s not really taking off. We had some young girls over the road who’d come through. One year we didn’t have any candy so my Mother gave them $1 and $2 coins. They were so happy they got some money…
When I lived in the states we didn’t give it out. We’d hide in the unit and avoid it. The step daughter would go out to her fathers place as it was a nicer neighborhood. I regret that. Should have given out candy!
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