It was an emergency

Yesterday. I was suffering from the bad voices.
I called my psychiatrist but he sounded bored.
He just told me that I should wait till the injection kicks in

Why did he speak with boredom?
Maybe he was relaxing from work.
I called him in the afternoon, in his personal mobile phone

Do you have anything you can take as a PRN?

Benzos. And if I call my pdoc he may increase ap doses via phone

Do the benzos help? It might be a good idea to keep calling them it sounds like your struggling a lot. How long ago did you start your current meds? It can take weeks for them to work which might be why he’s reluctant to change them.

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Benzos help a bit.
An old psychiatrist I had, had prescribed benzos x3, all day long

I wanna call him again, and if he sounds bored, I will change pdoc. I find it unacceptable to be treated like this while I suffer

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Definitely is!!

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At least you got a chance to speak with your pdoc.
I find it difficult to make contact with my psychiatrist many times.
Even when I text her on her cell phone.

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