So I am not real happy. My psychiatrist lost his license for prescribing too many people benzos I guess. All he ever gave me was antipsychotics though and that’s all I ever needed. Leaves me in any case I have to find a new doctor and I liked the one I had. I tell myself he was helpful compared to all the others, since, I worked a full time job for 13 months I just left to start a new one this week closer to home, since I have been symptom free for a long time. I am worried someone new, knowing this one got reprimanded, will try to change everything or make me do things I don’t want to if they assume my treatment was lacking. Well, that’s it with me, I was online trying to find a recipe for home made mac and cheese I want to try to make it instead of from a box.
Well that’s disconcerting I hope you find a good new doc soon!
My psychiatrist lost his license for prescribing too many people benzos I guess.
Doctors can change their mind on benzos quite quickly, that’s one of the reasons I’m coming off benzos now on my own terms. Instead of being forced to stop abruptly. I have many reasons, but that is one of them.
YOU’RE BACK!!! We missed you. Hope you are doing well.
Wouldn’t worry too much about getting in trouble – anything hinky will be blamed on your previous doctor.
Maccaroni + cheese. I make it by the box, then add my own stuff - lots of whatever cheese you like maybe some milk or half + half - look at the recipes + see what they put in. I’ve had rave compliments from my brother, the former Fat Boy of my family.
My first psychiatrist (he was really my 2nd as there was a guy who prescribed my amphetamines in childhood of course) I later learned lost his privilage of having people admitted (committed?) to hospitals. I would love to know why. I’d love to.
When you get a new pdoc, if he or she tells you they want to change things, start off by saying just what you did above:
Tell them you’re doing great and you don’t want to change. If they still push change, ask why and require a good answer. You’ve got the perfect come-back regardless of the answer, so repeat yourself, “I’ve been symptom free for a long time.” It doesn’t make any sense to change, and you don’t want to change. Don’t be scared of being at the mercy of the pdoc. Stand up for yourself if your pdoc wants to do the wrong thing.
Usually if you’re symptom free they’ll be happy and leave you where you are. So you should be just fine anyway.
I would be feeling pretty upset and bothered by it too.
Let’s hope you’re new pdoc is champ