Is your imagination big?

I thought for a time that schizophrenia and schizophrenia related diseases were a result of the imagination. I lived in fantasy my whole childhood but then it went bad and I got schizophrenia because of several reasons, one being simply it’s in my family. I avoided pain my whole life living in the imagination. Now I suffer and work ( though I don’t have a job ). What do you think, did you have a huge imagination?

I am not trying to ‘big myself up’, but when I was a kid I was considered gifted until I was about 11

Then I turned to drugs, and I found that it killed my imagination in a way that numbed me.

It was actually a good thing for me to come down a few pegs, as I was too clever for my own good when i was a kid.

Boredom and lack of opportunity to move up education wise where I live made things stale, and uninteresting/ not engaging

This led me down a nasty path, as although I was clever I was socially illiterate - which is still pretty much the case today…

But yes, my imagination was so big and vast that I took it upon myself to try and destroy it with illegal drugs.

In the end it didn’t go away fully, but turned back on me and hence, Schizophrenia…

I still have a decent level of intelligence for working purposes, but I wish I’d been pulled out of the mess I was in and given a chance to learn at my pace.



What drugs did you use?

But you survived to tell the tale! Look on the bright side. This is just not forever.

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Weed, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Crack, Mushrooms, LSD and painkillers

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Time dilation and constriction is an illusion.

I’m very grounded in reality; I don’t have nor ever had much of an imagination. Although I do remember being preoccupied as a kid, rarely mindful of the moment. It’s gotten better with age, being present and all.

Define big? I mean, I’m a writer, so I like to be creative which is where imagination is typically considered. I’m also terribly great at making up imaginary conversations. I like to build houses on the Sims and stuff, too, which I guess would use a lot of imagination.

As a teenager, I was so into my own imaginary worlds that I definitely preferred them over my waking life as an escape.

Isn’t psychedelics suppose to make your imagination more vivid?


The psychedelics came later, and that’s what made me go mad the first time

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By “big” I mean Great, Powerful, Inventive,Vivid, etc.

Ok! Those are some powerful substances. The recovery rate from drug induced psychosis is much higher than having onset without drugs. How long ago did you have your episode?

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Funny you ask, I’ve wondered the same thing myself sometimes. I was always very creative as a child, and lived in my own fantasy world half the time. I wonder sometimes looking back, if that was the beginning of psychosis for me

When I was 17 in 2004 I had drug induced psychosis, and it was really bad.

I was on AP’s until I was 19

Then at 24 I think it was I had another episode that lasted a long time without treatment, and this was in the absence of drugs

Since I have been on AP’s, and every time I have quit them I get psychotic again. Sucks


Ok! I’m so sorry to hear that. I myself had two bad episodes. I was totally out of it. The third time I was rushed to the hospital. Multi- episodic psychosis is much harder to treat and the recovery rates are much lower. I hope we get better though! You never know?

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Currently I am trying to med reduce, is we’ll see how that goes.

You are right though

My psychosis has only be controlled for three years, but I think that’s enough time to start thinking about reduction


I wish you good luck!

You too :slight_smile: best of luck we’ll find our way to be recovered I am sure of it


It’s about 10 cubic meters. Dumb thread.

I’ve gotten this far with my illness by being foolhardy. I pity you smart folk.