Is this "paranoia"? Regarding A.I storing data and employees seeing the chat

So I am not sure if this is paranoia or a normal type of worry. Like when I type anything in A.I am extra careful as I feel like the employees of that company can see it. I also don’t trust these companies and they will likely store my data somewhere. Need some clarification if this is normal or more schizophrenia related.


It’s normal.

I use Microsoft Copilot and it stores all the chats I have with it.

You can log in via a web browser and delete the data though.


They store it but the employees aren’t reading it. They use data to make money by selling it so companies can make targeted ads and such based on things we mention.

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Amazon employees can hear through Echo Dot. That’s why it’s not advised to put one in your bedroom or the bathroom.

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It’s a normal worry, but it depends on how badly you feel it that should justify whether it’s paranoid/schizophrenia driven. The fact you use it carefully is a good thing

No unfortunately it’s a real thing

Yea I don’t trust them, what makes this SUS is that I typed some psychotic stuff to gemini while in psychosis. Later the A.I was changed to always assume if I mention spiritual/religious stuff I should seek professional help. I log in to another account, I type religious stuff and it says nothing about it and helps with it. Someone at google must’ve read my chats is what I assume and changed the chat for me.

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That would worry me too

My Siri HomePod eavesdrops on me
It sometimes randomly asks me questions or tells me something out of the blue

It could just be the A.I. algorithm itself. No humans needed !


It’s true, you are not paranoid. But in these hacking days the internet is not safe in general. So it’s not paranoia.

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It’s not all porn. The internet is as good as it’s user

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