I figured it out

You know how your phone can hear you. Then it shows you ads all over for what you said. Has that happened to anyone?

They can also read your facial expressions through the camera. I’ve had them show me stuff based on mood before.

It’s really not that far fetched. Yea you are the owner of the phone or computer. They are the owner of the software it uses though.

I think that’s where a lot of my sz stems from. Is that being paranoid?

Yes. Its a bit too much. They just track using cookies so when you visit Amazon, cookies (info) is saved on you device. When you open a new website it has ads of items you viewed on Amazon. They don’t record or film you.

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Have you ever had it where you say something then ads pop up?

No, what do you mean?

Where you say something then supposedly your phone hears it and shows you ads. It’s a fairly common occurence.

You mean the browser opens by itself with ads? Maybe you need to clear your cookies and history.
Spywares can display ads randomly but its not related to voice and with the new android you need to give permission to the app to access the microphone.

I use iPhone. Just read an article about it. Google does your phone listen to you. If they listen to you why wouldn’t they use camera.

It’s all just algorithms and cookies. I wouldn’t read too deep into it.

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We are being spied on everyday by major tech companies when make millions off us.

They’re not reading my mind. They can just read my facial expressions.

It doesn’t explain how they’re in my dreams. Maybe they’re not.:expressionless:

Who is they? I don’t have a clue.

You’re not crazy, its just corrupt businesses exploiting everyone.

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When I start thinking I’m gonna die then there are more posts about death. They can read the fear in my face.

I should probably cover my camera. ■■■■ it I’m too lazy plus it makes it interesting.

They cannot read your mind.

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Are you sure because neuralink says they’ll have telepathic communication in a few years? Who’s to say somebody doesn’t already have it?

I am still in good spirits and keeping it positive regardless.

I should probably stop talking about this stuff it isn’t good for my mental health. It’s probably not good for others either.

I do not have any answers lol, I have had many delusions of telepathy in the past. For now let’s just be glad the worst thing tech companies are doing is listening to us. Have you been feeling ok lately? I remember you posted about working a lot and a class.

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Yea I’m good lol

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I sometimes think when I applied to CIA I signed something that said they could experiment on me. Then I think would they really need me to sign something if they were going to experiment on me. Haha

Facebook defiantly follows you.

We’ve used targeting searches for our cricket club. You search facebook about cricket in our catchment area and you get a targeted ad. It really worked out way better than other advertising…

Your talking about a paranoid group like us but this stuff is rather common. It’s not magical or mystical and combined with some paranoia it can be a problem. It’s not a government conspiracy though…that is usually a danger sign.

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