Is this common?

my voices
threaten to kill me so many times
they also spk to me about cancer
and may be i got it if i dont find a cure for it!
idk if they are joking or they wish to just threaten me or they want to be sarcastic about me
or all of them!
also they talk i may die in the coming years!
they also say we are real ppl
and our threats are real
although this is the 11 year of my illness
sometime i believe them and feel scared
sometime my brain believe them
sometime i dont believe them but in the same time i feel i m gonna die in the coming years
sometime i feel …
anyway my life is spoiled by the voices and the taste of death in my life becoz of the voices
anyone remember such voices in his past ?!!!
are you now without such voices ??

Are you feeling terrible fear? I would say it is common for schizophrenics to feel terrible fear.

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I wouldn’t say what you hear is common, but nearly half of the responders to polls say they have heard at least one disembodied voice in their life at least one time in their life to the point of the poll (the rest are either lying or amnesiacs). There are a lot of factors in “negative” voice hearing. I deal with them too. They do like to build off of territory they gain, so don’t sit around giving head space to them.

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They tell me that im already dead and im in hell and if i let my guard down around other people they will take me to god to get punished even more than i am now.

But they also tell me that theyre evil demons and they own my soul and i can never be free from them. The only thing i can do is follow their orders and separate myself from civilisation so i can be tortured in solitude.

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i get used to them
but seeking to know if this common or not
and how other ppl surpass this and go on in their lives

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I’ve had voices trying to kill me for 29 years and recently they went away. The confusing thing is when they weren’t trying to kill me they helped me. I stopped believing they’re real.


Voices can’t kill you… if they could it would have happened by now. Don’t listen to the voices


I often think that people are taking revenge for me starting a conversation with someone who could have been a minor. Sometimes I think that my cell phone is trying to have me aborted. Sometimes I think that people are trying to give me kidney stones. I have thought that people are trying to give me cancer also.

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For me the voices had power because I thought they were real and because I thought I was God. I am a mean person to put it mildly and my voices made me mad enough to attempt suicide. I go by the assumption that the mind cannot be truly divided though it really does seem it can. Don’t believe in dualism and take responsibility for yourself.

I can relate. I’m told that I’m in a simulated hell and/or purgatory. It’s awful. I’m so sorry you feel this way :disappointed:

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