He’s definitely menacing.
I am deathly afraid of bees. I was afraid to get out of the car at the time. I had somewhere I needed to go so I eventually got out and he flew away but dang!
This morning when I got in the car a spider dropped down on me.
I screamed like a little girl.
Got out of the car and tried to shake it out.
Little creeps.
Oh no @GoldenRex, that is the worst. I am constantly walking through spiderwebs and freaking out!!
I hate insects except ants, they’re cool lol
That’s a nice bee!! I love bumble bees they’re so cute and fuzzy but that one you posted probably isn’t a bumble bee!
O I didn’t realize you were afraid! Bees make honey! Think of them as friendly yellow and black friendly fellows! He’s just saying hi!!!
Yes @matthewj that is a more likely possibility. He is checking me and my daughter who was screaming out. lol
That bee is just resting up before it terrorizes some flowers. Course the flowers are up for it.
Bees don’t really sting often either I’m not scared of them! I was stung as a kid but most often they leave you alone
I like bees to but don’t want to be stung so I am kind of weary.
I’m afraid of centapedes and millipedes and spiders! Scorpions would give me nightmares for years if I saw them near me too! Actually the worst nightmares I have are of bugs I freak out big time wake up sweating but I have no fear of bees!!
The killer bees are the worst!! They’re always around my apartment!
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