Is this an hallucination?

I am only recently unwell and am trying to understand what symptoms are what. I am not hearing voices but have a ‘presence’ that comes to bed with me at night and cuddles me to sleep. I feel so happy like this presence is my soul mate. I get warm glowing feelings being wrapped in love. I have had this before and don’t want it to go away. It doesn’t do or say anything except offering comfort. Is this a hallucination?

Thanks for any help/advice offered.

I have a doc appointment but it’s not until next month.


Sounds like it…your lucky it gives you positive vibes…

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It can be a double-edged sword though, I wish I could always feel that way but it’s not real :frowning:

It’s good that you have a doctor appointment. He can let you know what is goin on. If this is your only symptom, just know that a surprisingly large percentage of otherwise healthy people have hallucinations sometimes. I’m glad your presence is nice to you. That makes it much less scary to deal with.


buy a teddy bear to replace it.


It’s my only symptom at the moment. I have had delusions and hallucinations in my past episode (including voices) I just don’t know exactly what hallucinations are if that makes sense. It has all only happened for me this year, I’m not sure what is what.

I am definitely grateful it is a positive presence, it does make it easier.

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Thanks so much for your thoughts folks. The thing that confuses me is that I’m not seeing or hearing anything, but ‘feeling’ someone is there and feeling good about it. Can a hallucination be a feeling?

If you mean you’re physically feeling another body, that is called a tactile hallucination. If you just feel the presence spiritually, that is more of a delusion. Have you recently moved into a new house or room?

Hmmm? Interesting. It sounds like a hallucination with a delusion wrapped in it. I am obviously not a pdoc. Just an amateur opinion. I have a delusion where I feel like brain researchers are ‘with me’ all the time monitoring and studying me but I don’t feel them spiritually or otherwise and mine is a delusion not a hallucination

I would say it was spiritually, but I feel like they are actually there, so maybe more delusion then?

No moving, same room same house.

That’s interesting. Thanks it sounds a little similar in that you ‘feel’ them there.

Either way, it will be good to talk to a doctor about it and get his take on your situation.

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Good plan, thanks for your thoughts on this. Really appreciate having someone to talk to about it :slight_smile:

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Sometimes we mistake psychosis for being happy, or being in love. It’s an illusion.

I was in love in my first episode. I was high on love actually and this presence was hanging around then. I couldn’t believe something was wrong with me because I felt so good. Have you experienced this in your own experiences?

At the height of my psychosis I would feel like I was high on drugs. Sometimes the psychosis actually fooled me into thinking i was perfect, nothing was wrong with me and that other people were the ones with the problem.

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I don’t know. I fantasize like that every night. One time a nurse told me that it is normal for people to hear voices right before they fall asleep.

I used to have a similar thing. A dog named bear, or maybe it was a bear, either way I called it bear. It was always resting just behind and to the side of my left leg.

Bear would be with me whenever I needed comfort. Even if I was just sitting on the couch, bear would be with me.

I told my psychiatrist about bear and begged him not to take bear away from me. He said he wouldn’t, said he has no problem with friendly "hallucinations " and " delusions ".

Alas when my medication really kicked in, bear left. Now I miss him.

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My friend sounds just like bear. I don’t want him to leave either. Thanks for sharing Turtle, that is what my experience is like.