Is the feeling that "we are being illegally surveillanced by some people" a part of every schizophrenic's symptoms?

I stopped taping my phone too. It gets in the way of the top bar on my phone. Not worth the effort of covering. As long as I lead an innocent life they have no reason to pin me down.


Not that Iā€™m important. Iā€™m trapped here. Something went wrong so now they torture me. They just want me to kill myself because Iā€™m no use being a glitch

I wonā€™t tho. Bc fck em

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I would tell you that all of that is literally in your head and nobody elseā€™s. Eventually I had to come to a realization that I wasnā€™t well and I was making up a bunch of stuff in my head that had no bearing on reality. Reality doesnā€™t care about our delusions. We can think a million things about it, but none of those thoughts are as real as reality itself. I think my advice would be to listen to other peopleā€™s perspectives. If youā€™re getting feedback from the universe that your perspective is off then maybe your perspective is off. all i can say, is your life will actually get a lot better when you humble yourself and realize that youā€™re sick . From there, when you realize that the only thing wrong is how youā€™re interpreting reality, things will get better. They can only get better :slight_smile:

Iā€™m not making things up, these things happen to me. But itā€™s fine. I donā€™t need anyone to understand.

Maybe you believe that they are, but if everyone around you is telling you that you are sick, you might be sick. I had to come to the same realization. That isnā€™t the end, it is the beginning.

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Or theyā€™re trapped in a simulation

And for the simulation to work, people have to participate

Those who donā€™t participate, those who see the strings are attacked, like me

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Iā€™ve had the same thought, but i just donā€™t think it is possible to simulate consciousness and its interactions. I know the gnostic teachings and all of that, but every part of you is dependent in some way on another part of the ā€œsimulationā€, so you would literally be a part of the simulation. Could it all be simulated? Maybe, but I donā€™t think it matters tbh. If everyone is stuck in it (and I have never heard of anybody escaping), then who cares? I think reality isnā€™t perfect, but I know it is a lot less scary than I thought it was. I think youā€™ll eventually (hopefully) find out the same thing.

It might not be possible for us to do recreate it, sure.

Iā€™ll never not believe weā€™re in a simulation, sorry.

I donā€™t want to continue. I feel bad for diverting the topic. And I think Iā€™m frustrating ppl.

Sorry @EDM_Stan

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This phone being hacked is a very simple way of slipping from realityā€¦ I had that feeling too in my psychosis.

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Yea, cos itā€™s really stressful. Then from phone hacking it turns into mind reading. Thatā€™s quite typical aswell I believe

Letā€™s please try to get off the simulation theory debate. Itā€™s specifically prohibited in the rules.

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So true then I start thinking that there are secret cameras everywhere to record my activitiesā€¦ story of my psychotic lifeā€¦

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She did say she didnā€™t want to continue derailing. Just fyi

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Itā€™s about as relevant as mentioning god because it canā€™t be proven or disproven. I donā€™t really see a point in arguing about either but idk


Yeah, i did not see that comment. didnt read that far. Its all good. was referring to crazydiamond as well.

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Yeah well iā€™m actually trying to be sane here tonight


Please dont apologiseā€¦ itā€™s perfectly alright to feel whatever you feel in your psychosisā€¦ we all are in the same boatā€¦ I have nothing but compassion and respect toward your situation because I too have been thereā€¦

Just keep taking your meds and if possible keep a check on your diet. Eat more of fresh fruits that helps a lot.

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Iā€™m not on aps. But I have been eating more fruit than ever before. All day. I love it. It helps me a lot I think. Also the only thing I can eat when I donā€™t have an appetite so itā€™s been good lately

Thanks @EDM_Stan

You should try CBD as an AP. It has really been helping me a lot. I take 800mgs once a day. Maybe it is also the therapy iā€™ve started but things have gotten way better for me since I started taking it.