I wonder about this, as any system has a tendency to become disorganized, even at the genetic level, and this results in disorderly behavior?
Entropy is an interesting concept, a bit complicated at the level of physics and chemistry, but I can’t help but think it isn’t my body becoming more evolved and organized such as an adaptation that causes sz. I think it is more likely something breaking down genetically or at the cellular level in groups of neurons, but I can’t be sure I am just speculating with no real knowledge.
It sort of feels like what I would image entropy of the brain would be like, when in psychosis. If it is, how would the ever cure that? I can sort of see how medicine might work on it, if the system that tends to become disorganized goes out of balance and can be rebalanced with aps.
I don’t know, it’s just a curiosity of mine, based on a pretty certain idea that organized systems will tend to become disorganized.
I know that humans in general live far from equilibrium and thats how we persist. I forget if the term was entropy or something else. But that all states are trying to get to neutral.
I felt many things while schizophrenic. I had the feeling of time loops, eternal recurrence, and Boltzmann brains. Interesting concepts and ideas, but not healthy and not based in reality.
They say the second law of thermodynamics cannot be violated, so thus entropy cannot be reduced. But I often think about quantum events and stuff like that. At the microscopic level, I wonder what happens tbh.
I even briefly felt like I created the universe before, but didn’t and reject that idea now lol.
It is actually considered a state of entropy in terms of behavior, I was just wondering how deep it goes into the molecular in terms of entropy. I’ll never know, just musing.
It’s crazy. I often felt like it was based on energy or the soul (consciousness). I read before that consciousness might be fundamental to the universe. I read about many world’s theory of quantum mechanics and I often wondered how the memories, consciousness splits into a new universe…stuff like that…
I got into ‘quantum immortality’ and big bounce theories. I often had the delusion that I had schizophrenia many times before this life…I guess it’s just irrational thinking on my part…
I often felt I was in quantum superposition and had quantum entangled memories. It felt holographic and stuff…
I think schizophrenia is so complex, it will take 100+ years to cure…
They say it’s just ‘biology’ but there is a new field called ‘quantum biology’. It’s interesting and a rabbit hole itself…
Yeah, everything that is organized starts to fall apart, burn. I was just musing if schizophrenia since it is behaviorally entropic, that it is also caused by a certain system undergoing entropy that is usually stable