Do you force yourself to do things? I dont but feel like maybe I should
Not exactly, but when I have delayed things to the point that it gets annoying I tend to push myself to do them, like housekeeping. It’s worth it when I see the results after. I will probably dust and vacum soon on account of how my place looks.
Yes you should. It’s the only way to change really
When I force myself I get symptomatic for some reason? I guess I stress too much when I force myself.
Grit and momentum. Things that are in motion tend to stay in motion lol.
Only on the days that end in Y. The other days are rest days.
Definitely. Thats how the ball starts rolling. Things that feel impossible can become normal habitual things over time i believe. And even if it doesn’t, its still worth it.
All the freakin time I force myself to do sh!t I don’t wanna do
It’s a hard way to live but I got to pay my bills somehow
Life costs money
I force myself to make at least breakfast and dinner for everyone, do a bit around the house everyday, and go to the gym regularly. I also now force myself to grocery shop.
It has gotten easier since I started doing it but it’s still a struggle.
It depends. Do you really have a choice? As an adult, you have to do all kinds of things you don’t feel like doing, or at least I do. And sometimes you need to force yourself. I don’t feel like going to work three days a week but I force myself. I don’t feel like driving all the way out to Best Buy to recycle my old printer but it needs to be done. If I don’t want to stink and offend people and embarrass myself I’ll force myself to take a shower even though I don’t feel like it.
I’m not doing a lot of things for pleasure, I’m doing things because they need to be done to live on my own and if I don’t do them I have to face the consequences and nobody else is going to do them for me. I admit, it gives me a certain pleasure to get things done, I went and bought work boots today and dropped off my application for a studio apartment. I didn’t do those things for fun but I did them and felt like I accomplished something. A lot of times you don’t have a choice, you either have to force yourself to do something or the alternative is nothing gets done and like I said, I would have to face the consequences.
It applies to having fun too. I was kind of dreading going to a concert last month, I knew I would be meeting my sisters friends and the concert hall would be crowded and it was a long drive. A part of me didn’t want to go but I forced myself and ended up having a good time. A lot of things are like that.
Remove the y at the end of the word. No problem. Think outside the box to achieve the best of nothing.
I don’t really force myself. If I don’t have the energy I will rest. If I don’t have the motivation I will find the reason why.
Yes. I am a half glass full person even with mental health. I have always sought best function over side effects and living. It’s worked well but it’s a journey for sure.
So. Yes! Don’t settle for second best. I must admit that sometimes it’s worked brilliantly because early days on meds I was pretty aggressive. Sometimes that was warranted…sometimes not and set me back years for sure but hey…it’s worth a shot sometimes.
So. It’s not a bad approach to want more of a life and that begins with function. If your functioning better then try diet and exercise. It’s a no brainer for most but always get a handle on your physical health with bloodwork and other from your gp but that is what I’d aim for…More with your diet and more with your exercise.
Yeah I have to otherwise I’ll never do anything. I usually end up glad I did them.
You don’t have to, but feel better after.
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