I mean true friends. Not acquitances, not the ones that stab you in the back.
I was unlucky enough to end up not having any true friends. It seems that everybody I know have friends.
I mean true friends. Not acquitances, not the ones that stab you in the back.
I was unlucky enough to end up not having any true friends. It seems that everybody I know have friends.
I don’t go anywhere to make friends and I would only be so nervous I would jumbled all my words and embarrassed myself
better to join clubs like bowling and stuff like that to make friends…
It does tend to be a lot more difficult as i get older (im 29) in my experience. Especially during periods of self induced isolation. But im slowly putting myself out there and exposing myself more and more to social situations. Its getting easier and easier. Ive found that literally the only thing that therapists can recommend amd also the only thing that works (aside from some meds i guess), for social anxiety and awkwardness is exposure therapy. That is all. Im talking for neurotypical people anyway. Not including some ASD people i guess. And i think that some sz’s should be considered neurotypical. As long as they are not in the midst of psychosis or med resistant. I dunno though really. These are just my thoughts.
Not clubs per se but I already do some activities where you may find friends. No friends, only acquitances and bad company.
Idk maybe there is something wrong with me…
Nothing wrong with you for struggling to find friendship in this age.
Thanks. I know friends are extremely important for mh. Even before the psychologist told me.
I bet you would be confortable with an understanding and caring friend.
I think it’s really hard to find loyal, down-ass people sometimes.
Possibly. I have some good friends ive met in the last few years through activities. But last true and true friend i met about 10 years ago when i was 25
When you find one send them my way lol
all my friends I made in college in the eighties…love them to pieces. sorry you have trouble.
I would love to meet new friends. But it’s hard, everyone seems to have found their click.
Even better, find a gf who would accept my diagnosis, it would be awesome.
I have a few male friends now.
Mostly x boyfriends.
I don’t have anyone I hang out with really.
Just occasional emails or so.
I recently made a new friend.
He is a handsome fella a true beaut inside and out.
I felt comfortable and right hanging out with him.
I said g’day to him and he asked if I want to go to the pub with him.
We were intimate but he didn’t want to be my boyfriend but thankfully he was serious about being my friend and I appreciate that because he is a real deal good sort .
So we are friends.
Mostly like each other’s memes on Facebook.
I don’t have girlfriends in the flesh as such.
I have a best girlfriend my bestie girl and then i have other girlfriends but my girlfriends are not imaginary friends but because our person doesn’t know each other we are friends in spirit as such yet more.
We love each other.
I adore my girlfriends.
Wish we could be friends in person too.
I think I see them out every now n then .
I don’t go well with that many perhaps and have difficulty making new friends in a way.
A true friend should give you space to be yourself and not suppress your very being and ruin you etc but you go so beautifully together.
yes it’s hard. i find it to be so. loved being alone now i am in life. truly good people hard to find.
It’s hard for me to make friends. I have made some new friends through a Facebook social group. I was hosting weekly lunches for about six months. someone else is going to be hosting them for me now, so I can hang out with some of the friends that I met during the timeframe that the lunches are happening. I’ll still go to those lunches at times as long as they are still being planned.
It’s only more recently that I’ve been hanging out with people that I met through these lunches. These will be decent friends. There are five of them. I have 2-3 friends besides them.
The friends that I have right now have all been made through social groups. Three of them have been made through Meet Up and the other ones were made through a Facebook social group. I was on the “my town” resident’s page for Facebook. There was a spin off link for the Facebook group for women of “my town.” I joined that and ended up making my new friends.
Edit: I just wanted to add these are the type of friendships where we go and do something together when we hang out. That’s the promise of these friendships. However, I can talk to them about personal things. I don’t like to do it too often, so I don’t burn out my friends.
I am fortunate that I have a good husband. I talk to him about the more serious things regularly, so I have that support. I was talking to him about more serious things often right away in our relationship. Of course, we were off doing fun things too. I know that I will never burn him out, which is nice.
I stick with who I know these days and although I make friends easily I have enough in my life who I treasure. It’s not impossible and I’d encourage everyone to try because having friends saves me a lot of therapy. I have enough people who I can test out stuff with and if I need to talk shop I have a friend who was a psych nurse for years. Knows all the medications and things from a clinical perspective. It’s good to have friends and worth the effort.
I have some friends who are constant like they want me to be healthy and happy. That is what is missing in me. I often used to feel sick and isolate myself and sadness takes over me. But I love to continue the relationship that I have now and if I get new friends as well who will say no. But they might need to adjust to the illness. So it is bit difficult to keep and make friends when the illness is persistent. Maybe over the years we might find it easier. Just need to keep the faith.
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