Is it schizophrenia if you know what you see isn't really? Or something else?

I see things that I know aren’t there. I was sitting on the sofa last night and I saw what appeared to be a man climbing out of the clock. I knew what I saw wasn’t real and I wasn’t afraid or anything, but I was wondering : Can I be schizophrenic If I know the things I see/hear are not real?
All of my “episodes” seem to be supernatural and overy the top. One day I saw a rotating open sign spinning above the sofa ect; It’s possible I’m having more subtle experiences and I only notice the ones that sound crazy - I really don’t know.

I don’t see things, but I Think thing have been put in front of me to send me a message, will sit there and try to figure what it means or why it’s placed the way it is.

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A hallucination is strictly seeing something others can not. You can still be schizophrenic even if you are aware of the hallucinations.

I only have very mild hallucinations like flashes of lights and colours, flickering lights that aren’t actually flickering, and more rarely seeing “things” walking in front of me/out of my sight that disappear. I’m usually aware of them (not all the time.)

Google’s not a doctor, but I’ll share its thoughts anyways:

noun: schizophrenia

a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the
relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty
perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality
and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of
mental fragmentation.(in general use) a mentality or approach
characterized by inconsistent or contradictory elements.

Now that I’ve gained insight into my illness I recognize the things I see are hallucinations. Considering other people on here talk about what they hallucinate, that means they acknowledge and thus recognize what they see as hallucinations as well. I feel you would have to be in an episode or fairly ill to not recognize the things as hallucinations.