I am trying to avoid religious circumcisions but obviously this can influence a health care policy in a given country.
In the uk circumcisions are not routinely performed across the board
I am trying to avoid religious circumcisions but obviously this can influence a health care policy in a given country.
In the uk circumcisions are not routinely performed across the board
Most Americans especially older generations get circumcised, i think in the last few decades a very small movement parents and adults are reconsidering that it is natural to have foreskin. Although still the majority for cultural and religious reasons circumcision is much the majority. Some find it weird to be uncircumcised. So strange.
Strange adults who move here feel like they have to get adult circumcision to fit in.
According to a google searched article, up to 60% of boys in the US are circumcised.
That’s so interesting @Bowens — I had no data backing up what i said and spoke from what I believed how Americans feel about circumcision. That’s a lot less circumcision than I thought in the US.
I think it was talking about new births. I would guess that the current population of older people probably have a higher rate of being circumcised. It sounded low to me also but that’s what it said.
I never would have thought it was like that, i thought it was only a Jewish thing
My OBGYN was very against circumcision,
He said he only needed it if he’s going to be “having unprotected sex in Africa”.
I was going through too much to process what a horrible thing he said.
The daddies decided to circumcise him.
I don’t know why,
Their baby, their choices.
That sounds like a tough situation. It sounds like some doctors might be a bit judgemental. Or did I read that wrong?
I’m circumcised I think my cousin isn’t
No it is very much the opposite. There are discussions about banning circumcisions until children are old enough to make their own decisions. And I’m personally for that, although of course it would be problematic. But circumcision can have negative effects on sexual health and that risk should be each person’s own decision, in my opinion.
My boys are because their dad wanted it. I didn’t really, but I went with his views because he knows what it is like for uncircumcised dudes on school locker rooms and such. Plus dating and marriage. I would have preferred not doing good it, thought.
no-one in the uk is circumcised from what i know
You didn’t read wrong.
He was very judgmental.
It is genital mutilation. It desensitises the penis and ruins sex.
It is abhorrent similar to FGM.
It is nowhere near on the scale of FGM.
They are both abhorrent.
It does remove some sensation but it’s nothing like FGM. With that the clitoris and sometimes even labia are removed. Or in some places the vulva is sewn shut with small holes for urine and menstrual blood.
And then they have to be opened up again for labor/birth.
it’s a crime against humanity to mutilate an infants genitalia cause the baby can’t give consent
Not to the same degree.
FGM destroys a woman’s life, and causes her to live in agony for the rest of it. The whole idea is to purposely cause her to feel no pleasure in that area whatsoever, because certain cultures consider women’s pleasure bad. That they should only be used as vessels for birth. And after FGM, giving birth is excruciating.
There are plenty of men – I’ve known lots of them – who lead perfectly normal lives with perfectly satisfying sex lives.
So, no. They are not both abhorrent.