Is it really legal to abandon a schizophrenic to homelessness?

My family has been getting pissy about helping me have a place to stay, i feel blessed to have a place to stay but its hard to describe to them the psuedoschizophrenia ive got going on in my brain. For instance not hearing voices, paranoid or seeing things anymore but its like all other parts of my brain are still not working. i cant even make mental maps and stuff in my brain and i have strange mental blocks in my head that make me burn out quick. i can identify that this feeling is different from the feeling of laziness because ive been lazy before and i can usually overcome it.

im not particularly afraid my family will abandon me because they havent so far, but what happens when someone has schizophrenia as an adult and family wont help them. do they get forced into homelessness? if so are there programs for this? issues like mine are hard to describe because you would think i would be better because i dont have the major main symptoms of schizophrenia but its hard to describe to the family im not being lazy they cant see the perspective because to them when you cant think straight you just do it anyway for me it used to work that way too but something wierds up with me brain. dont even think you could use something like this on a disability app because sounds like excuses

i have been applying for jobs took me a long time to count the money on the quiz for the application, was never that bad before ill read a question and immediately forget it so i gotta reread it again sounds like stuff everyone goes through but it feels different like my mind control is haywire

yes a lot of people living on the streets are suffering with mental illness, a lot are ex army or have been brought up in care. substance abuse is also common i was homeless at one point due to my drinking its funny because no matter how much you try to detroy yourself people always help you out.

I don’t know about legal OR not since you are an adult. As long as you have a diagnosis and a case worker, they can help you to find a place. Group homes are available and some county offers places where you have to pay very little of your SSI money. Food stamps are also available. In other words there is a lot of help. If you go to your NAMI OR County assistance they might be able to direct you. My son is living with me for nearly 30 months and as long as he is a full time college student he will be living with me. Good luck to you.

i am registered as homeless funny enough, i have been given temporary accommodation by the council until i they can find me something more permanent,

i was made homeless last year after my landlord wanted me out for his mother in law to move in or something so i couldn’t move back in with my mum so had nowhere to go,

i was lucky tho and i was smart about it bc the minute i heard about it i was straight on to advocacy and the man there really helped me a lot, an advocacy worker is someone who will speak on your behalf so he helped me deal with the housing interview and i was lucky enough to get a really nice temporary flat,

they say i only have another year to wait on the housing queue and that i am homeless priority which is the fast track queue i think and i am in the top 10 on the queue out of about 4000 people so i am pretty lucky but still get frustrated about not having a proper place.

if you stick that out daydreamer youll get a flat for life i started with a flat and swapped it for a two bedhouse on place called homeswapper.

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how did you do that? is it nice? does it have a garden? lol thats what i am hoping for, i don’t think i could stay anywhere else but here bc it is a good area,

sweep is waiting on an offer as well same area as a transfer and she has been on homeswapper before but had no luck, she is in a studio flat.

btw do you pay the bedroom tax?

are you in america? how do you register as homeless, thats wierd

I’ve been taken from an assisted living center for the mentally ill and deposited on the street before. I had no disability and couldn’t pay. One time I didn’t want my family’s help because I would have had to take Haldol. I just walked around outside about three months, resting on the bare ground and moving from town to town. They say that a lot of the people who live on the street are sz.

i knew i was going to be homeless when my tenancy agreement ran out with my landlord so i told the council housing department that i had nowhere else to go which was true and thats how i was registered as threatened with homelessness and then homeless and moved to temporary accommodation, i am in the uk btw

daydreamer I jmoved last year becuause of the bedroom tax I did have a 3 bed house that I swapped on homeswapper for a 1 bed flat because they had a family connection in that area. then I lived in the 3 bed for ages then the bedroom tax so my final move to here a two bed with a garden.
I remember living in a b and b which was terrible then tempory accomadation the local hangout for the teenagers right outside my front door! that was hell but then I moved to my flat nice quiet area it was like ahhh now I can breathe youll get there too and you and sweep could maybe get a two bed house together.

Hi Cactus~
Do you have a case manager?
I would still try to apply for SSI and SSDI.
Do you see any doctors? Maybe try calling social services and see what they can offer. Don`t wait until the last moment!

Now that I’m a nonsmoker, I can see how addicted to tobacco are the poor in the United States of America! I suppose poverty causes nicotine addiction and nicotine addiction causes poverty.

The part of the country where I live is upscale, but there are pockets of poverty, and I live in one.

Today I worked on the recertification for my Section 8 Housing Certificate. I’m wicked high functioning to be able to pull off all the paperwork my society wants on me!

@Heather. My experience is that there is NOT a lot of help and what help there is is NOT easy to access. The best advice here, as far as I’m concerned, is “don’t wait until the last minute.”


@Jayster, Luckily for us We will be able to afford a house for my son, so he won’t be homeless. We will make sure that We have legal documents to prove that he can’t sell it while he is alive and I am sure no parent would want their child homeless if they can get them a place. @cactustomato , I am sure your parents will help you out one way OR the other as they have let you live with them for so long. Good luck!

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Thanks, Heather.

My recollection is that my Dad was just awful to me . . . I wonder what part of it I just don’t get.
