Is it okay to meditate if you have sz?

I was just wondering if it’s okay to meditate since I’m on meds for my sz? I hear it can help self-esteem and I could use a self-esteem boost along with just calming myself.

Why would you wonder if it’s okay to meditate, did you try it yet and if so how’d it go?

I haven’t but I have heard from somewhere that it’s not a good idea.

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It’s OK for me if the voices are quiet but as soon as they talk it always ruins it.

I meditate twice a day for 20 minutes. If you try meditating and you start having symptoms, or it is making your symptoms worse, then stop. If you are just starting, I would just try it for 5 minutes and see how it goes. If you have no problems than just start increasing the amount of time.

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I meditate before bed, helps me fall asleep. Sometimes voices are intrusive and make it difficult, but I still try.

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Yeah, sometimes it can be difficult due to symptoms, and all you can do is try.

I’d go with guided meditation, helps to keep the mind in check.

I meditate several times a day and it hasn’t failed me yet.

I heard it could be harmful for people with schizophrenia but I don’t have the article handy to back me up. But I used to meditate semi-regurly and it did me no harm. In my own personal experience, meditating relieved stress, and relaxed me. Sadly enough these benefits only lasted less than twenty minutes. But having a daily routine of meditation used to give me a much needed feeling of accomplishment. It cheered me up to be helping myself.