Is it normal for an Antidepressant to make you feel like crap?

Forgive my ignorance, it’s my first time taking an Antidepressant.

The doc told me it will make me feel worse before I can feel better but I had to come off it it made me psychotic.

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I don’t know an Antidepressant can make you go psychotic.

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It can if you are predisposed or if you have bipolar. But not always.

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I know someone who was on Trazodone and it just made them feel much worse. They switched to Lexapro and are doing much better.

I guess antidepressants are like antipsychotics, there’s a lot of them and you have to find one that suits you.

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Oh :dizzy_face: 1515151515

Everyone is different though and it’s rare.

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I like how Wellbutrin makes me feel. Even though I’m only on 150 mg.


How long have you been on your AD?

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5 days 1515151515

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Give it some time. AD’s are known to take 2 to 4 weeks to fully work. You might feel worse before you start to feel better.


ok, I going to my bathroom to vomit :face_vomiting: but I’ll give it some more time.

Prozac left me feeling like absolute crap and made me kind of manic. Effexor just didn’t work well enough for me and coming off of it was a nightmare. Wellbutrin has been kind of a wonder drug. No horrible side-effects and it just works.

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Zoloft never did much for me but I gained a ■■■■ ton of weight on it. I’m on Cipralex right now and it helps a lot. Still have symptoms but they aren’t as intense as they were before.

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I ask my psychiatrist for a drug didn’t cause sexual side effect and she give me Trintellix, I ask about Wellbutrin and she told me it would make me go insane. :open_mouth:

so Wellbutrin didn’t make you’re symptoms worst?

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Wellbutrin nd Zoloft both make me feel good, wellbutrin the best.

Prozac and Celexa were awful.

Cymbalta I am allergic to, but felt wonderful until the rash.

Topamax made me mean and aggressive and violent. I slapped my husband.

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wow, so Wellbutrin didn’t worsen your positive symptoms?

Nope. Not at all.

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Interesting :face_with_monocle: 151515