I just can’t get motivated to care about anything. I go to my clubhouse and have hated it lately, and i feel like nothing is interesting. I did go to Planet Fitness today and walk on the treadmill for the first time today, but that was cuz i couldn’t stand being at the clubhouse. I don’t know if this is just boredom with my life or symptoms of my depression rearing its head. I’m doing the deep TMS for depression but they said it can take a few weeks before symptoms start to improve. On a good note, i haven’t been having any suicidal ideation lately and i haven’t self harmed at all.
I gave you a like because I can sympathize.
TMS I just read about it
How would that work like magnets um that sounds like a pseudoscience it really does
I hope it’s not a scam tho I’ve been on meds that might be better taking a sugar pill or changing the brand of coffee I use
Idk I hope it works placebo works for some
I don’t know how it works but it’s approved by the FDA and insurance is paying for it…but I’m a bit skeptical, too, that it’ll be effective.
Treadmills don’t like me I fell off of one. Hurt myself with laughter… have a good day night wherever ya are. Hugs
You know anhedonia is a symptom of mental illness? I consider my boredom a product of depression. I heard intelligence and curiosity go together. That’s one reason why I wish I read books as a youth, because things were better then. Books aren’t my gift though. I tried and tried and tried to enjoy reading and did have some success but now I’m about petered out. There’s things in this world living for.
Hope you feel better and the TMS helps. Maybe the coming spring weather will help.
I think it’s a little bit of both tbh.
Maybe you need a change in your life to shake things up. Might be depression etc but depression isn’t purely chemical. Sometimes our life factors into it. Maybe your bored with life and need some kind of change. Just an idea.
I hope it helps.
Sounds like combination/bit of both. I’m going through it a bit lately too because of the weather/change in seasons.
I feel too it’s difficult to motivate myself cause of all the set backs with schizophrenia. I push myself doing stuff, like fake it till you make it