Is it bad I cannot attend my grandmothers funeral

Even if I lived with her. I don’t think I can do it. I cannot see her body. Even though I saw when I tried to resusitate…but its been a week past and i can’t.


Is it because of grief @anon25873142?

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When my Grandpa died, I was young, but I told my mom I wanted my last memory of him to be him alive. I didn’t go to the funeral. He was a really good man


Yes I feel anxious about it… and I last saw her Friday last week when she passed away but I’m scared to see again.

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Funerals are for the living, not the dead. I’d worry too much about regretting it but it’s no one’s place to judge you for not going.


I don’t want too many memoiries of her gone… I want to remember her as here… but maybe thats just silly.


I think everyone mourns differently. It’s very personal.

I, too, prefer not to go to funerals. I prefer to be left alone to deal with my grief.

The only time I go to funerals is to support someone else’s loss.

I think you should grieve and find your way through this process however you need to. Other people are going to have their opinions, but you have to decide whether negative comments outweigh your personal needs.


You could be there for the other people and support each other. I don’t know.

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