Is anyone on aripiprazole? Abilify?

If yes can I ask what dose and how is your concentration, attention span, how many pages of an a4 book can you read before you can’t continue?

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I’m on abilify and I am very eclectic about my reading. I fickle from one source to another back and forth. Can only do each for like 15 mins each. But Its not the abilify fault I’ve always been that way. More so since psychosis

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I take 7,5 mg of Aristab (aripiprazole).

I don’t know about A4 books, but I can read 100 pages of a normal book in a day. Once I read an entire book in a day, but it was an easy one (The Integral Vision by Ken Wilber).


I’m on 15mg

Good for about 30 minutes then I need to take a break


About 1/4 of one page. This may not be due to abilify though.

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Do you know if they make 12.5 abilify tablets?? Do you get a 5 and a 2.5??

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10mg is the minimum dose for schizophrenia.

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There are 15 mg tablets of aripiprazole (I think the maximum dose is 30 mg), so I just split it in a half.

I don’t think so. I met another a guy who were diagnosed with schizophrenia and he also took 7,5 mg of aripiprazole.

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do u feel there’s been a significant change since psychosis? no worries if personal.
cos first time round wen i was on abilify it was bad this time round so far, it seems not the same extent—so far.

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The dose I need is 12.5. I wonder what I should do. 10 and split a 5 in half??

On Thursday I took 20 mg instead of 10. I’ve been fine since. But I was a little on edge before so I think I need 12.5. Tomorrow I might need extra again.

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That’s what all the clinical trials show.

I only started reading right about the time i went on abilify in. 2014. At first my reading skills were better than now they’ve digressed a bit but idk if that’s other factors too. I’ve gotten smarter but my concentration may not be as good!

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no worries if personal but i wonder if u discuss ur dose change with psychiatrist if that’s what your’e doing or planning.
btw there’s this cool medicine cutters u can buy in UK- they make it more accurate when cutting in half the tablets.


I’ll try emailing his secretary.

Maybe that’s the solution. When I was out of 15 mg tablets, I had to split a 10 in a half and then split it again. There is also aripiprazole in oral solution (I think it’s available even here in Brazil).

Clinical trials are not the same as the truth. Clinical trials are just clinical trials. I’m on real life trials.

Best of luck with that , you’re basically off meds.

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i dunno how it works in your country but in uk they are not too strict and forcing that’s why i tend to discuss or rather ask them questions. plus they are available

The availability is kind of an issue for me but he’s definitely friendly and helpful!! His secretary is even hard to reach you have to send two emails each time. And my pdoc has like TOO MUCH trust in me. He’d be like. You know what you’re doing leave me alone. He likes to see me only in emergencies or once a month. He’s a funny guy though. Maybe he’s joking.

I’m on this dose for more than 5 months and very stable. Don’t think I’m not worried about having psychosis again. I’m monitoring myself and, if I reach 1 year of stability on this dose, I will decide my next step. What I mean is: clinical trials are not the absolute truth, neither psychiatrists. I met that guy 1,5 year ago and I never heard about him having psychosis or getting unstable (he always seemed to be very stable, despite having some alogia).

Edit: by the way, I did many things that were supposed to trigger my psychosis again and I’m still stable (I did no drugs and substances), but I’m still monitoring myself, as always.

lol. Well that’s kind of comforting feeling I guess.

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I can read fine while on Abilify, the problem is more that it makes me so tired all the time that I can fall asleep in the middle of reading.

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